Chapter 8

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When arrow went through Technoblade's chest, he suddenly felt something pop. It felt like a little explosion inside his ribcage, making him feel hot like he's going to cook from inside but also cold on the outside, like something invinsible caressed his back with it's icy fingers.

"Is this what death feels like?" he wondered, unable to move his mouth as he was laying on the ground, bleeding and tasting iron on his tongue. 

He heard Dream scream his name, dropping to his knees and looking at the arrow that was sticking out of his chest like a flag of conquering, suddenly recognizing the was the feathers on it were looking and how the body of an arrow was decorated. He knew these blue little symbols very well.

"Dream get away from him!" he heard familiar voice and then hand on his shoulders, pulling him away from Technoblade's slowly weakening body. When he lifted his gaze, he saw a face of his best friend, terrified and pale like he looked death in the eyes. 

Everything felt like it was melting together, the sounds, colours and emotions and Dream was caught in his own little bubble from what he could only see pink haired man's body, suddenly feeling like he himself had a hole in his heart. 

What is this feeling?

"Dream talk to me!" said man didnt even noticed that he was far away from Techno's body behind the bushes, looking into George's eyes as he was slowly coming back from his bubble.

"George..." his voice trembled. "What did you do?"

"What do you mean 'what did you do'? I saved you dumbass," George looked confused, focusing at blonde's eyes as he was looking for signs of poisoning. 

"Did he drugged you? He gave you some potion right?" he was trying to stay consistent but was paralyzed with fear of Dream being brainwashed, or worse, changed completely into empty shell of human being.

After days he spent with Wilbur by his side and endless talks they had together he was basically injected with fear of losing his best friend. He saw what it did to Wilbur, he saw the way he talked about Techno like he was a dead and replaced by some demon, not recognizing him from the stories he heard, trying to come up with excuses for missing his best friend.

He feared that Dream would join him and from what he has seen, his nightmare just came true.

"Let him go." blonde spoke softly, like he was choosing his words wise by seeing the fear in George's eyes. 

"Why would I-"

"LET HIM GO." Dream screamed, yanking George's arms away and going back to Techno, who was surrounded by angry villagers that were pointing their swords and axes at him, like he would rise up any second and strangle them with just his gaze. 

George watched him, all paralyzed, as he was trying to get all those armored men away from the guy they originally hunted. Dream lowered himself to support Techno's upper body, taking off his mask, making it easier for him to breathe and not choke on his blood.

"Is there a doctor?" blonde shouted as he was looking around himself, looking for anyone to raise their hand. Everyone just looked confused, not understanding why would he defend their biggest enemy, that HE personally went after. Noone raised their hand until a guy Dream haven't seen in years came forward.

"I can stop the bleeding, if it helps..." he looked ashamed but still determined, for he was the only person that was willing to help when everyone else refused.

"...hi Wilbur." Dream looked pale as he watched his face, not really sure about how he should react. He know though that he was running out of time and emotions could wait. "Um... do you have enough stuff to stop it right now?"

Direct action (Dream x Technoblade)Where stories live. Discover now