Chapter 16

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26 k reads pog!! Thank you all so much for you support and nice comments, it means so much to me! ♥ 

I am sorry about the delay of this chapter, there is just some personal stuff I need to deal with and I wasn't in right mindset to write :D I also needed to think a little bit about the next step in the story, if you have any suggestions, write them down below! :3


Sunlight was slowly creeping into Dream's room, making it's way right into his face, waking him up as he growled in frustration. He felt like there were little bubbles in his head, popping loudly inside his skull, making him feel like he's going to throw up.

"S-shit." he muttered as he quickly jumped over the bed, thinking he's going to see all that beer from yesterday's night again, but the sudden realization of not recognizing room he was in made him so shocked, that he instantly forgot he wanted to vomit.

He looked around himself, looking at those creamy white walls and ceiling, staring at the furniture in the room, looking for any clue, until he saw the cape on chair next to the bed. His heart made a little twirl, followed by sharp pain in his head that made him fall right back into the mattress.

There was a mess in his head, all that empty space was cluttered by blurry memories that made no sense. Dream tried to concentrate on making his mind clear, putting together various scenes that popped everywhere around his brain, consisting of smells, touches and sounds more than actual visual clues.

He started to remember the beautiful rosy smell, mixed with alcohol and blood, the music coming from the pub and chirping of crickets, followed by song of a nightingale and soft hum of the woods. He felt big strong hands roam around his body as a ghost, feeling the warmth from them as the cupped his face and made him fall in love. There was a tingling on back of Dream's neck as he replayed this memory. Then he did it again. And again.

He laid down on the bed, hugging the blanket as he let his mind roam around the place, thinking about what led to this situation; him, laying on king sized bed in Technoblade's room, dressed in something that was way too big on him, definetly not his and faintly smelled of his lover...

He jumped like a startled cat as he hear a door open, looking directly at man he just fantasized about, feeling like he was caught in something naughty, even though he was just laying in matress and staring into the ceiling. 

It was such a weird thing to see Technoblade without his cape, without anything fancy at all. He was dressed in normal human clothes, plain white shirt and brown pants with high leather boots. It looked rather ordinary, but to Dream it was a fantastic outfit. He tried to convince himself that it had nothing to do with it being revealing and tight as hell on Techno's muscular body.

"Oh.. you are finally awake." Techno smiled at him, closing the door behind him. "How is your head?"

"W-what do you mean?" Dream replied, making almost puppy like face at the man in front of him.

"You hit your head," Techno put down the basket he carried, taking out little brown bottle and handkerchief. "I brought you this to clean the wound, it should be Wilbur's job but he apparently made a bet with George over who can handle the most beers."

"Oh.. I see." Dream felt confused as hell, realizing that he remembered absolutely nothing since the kiss. "What did happen?" 

He watched Techno's hands as he put a dab of medicine on piece of cloth, trying to not make a mess as he remembered what happened yesterday, suddenly seeing pinkhaired man's cheeks match his hair. "Um... as you may remember... we kissed."

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