Chapter 5

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Forest around the mountain was slowly consumed by the sun, making the little droplets of morning dew shine like a milions of diamonds. The valley was being watched by high hanging sun, signalling all the living beings underneath it that its currently noon and that it's time to have a rest and maybe a tasty lunch. Dream would die to see this right now.

The cell he was being held in was depressing. When he was once again thrown in by Technoblade in this nasty place, he thought nothing of it. Dream saw himself as a strong guy who cannot be broken and that his mind is interesting enough to keep him entertained even through long hours, sitting here all alone.

Being accompanied only by his thoughts was fun. He had time to think about his escape plan, but after only a few hours he was bored and frustrated. Every minute was twice as long as normal one and time was currently his enemy. He never thought that it would be so draining to spend time like this and his confidence in being unbreakable guy was being slowly shattered by harsh reality of him slowly losing his mind again. 

His mind wandered as he looked at his reflection in puddle of unknown liquid that was on the floor, looking at his freckled face. He hardly even recognized himself anymore, after the years of wearing the mask he started to feel like this thing and him were two different personalities. 

Now he had a time to actually look into his real face, slowly remembering the color of his eyes and the way his blonde hair curled when it got wet. He touched slowly the freckles on his nose, noticing that he got way too pale for a guy from land of sun. It's like he actually saw himself, after all these years.

The mask made him scary. Noone saw his face, his expressions, noone could tell if he was hurting from the cuts his enemies gave him and it almost seemed like he was invincible. Like he could do anything and without remorse, like he could be walking through the battlefield unarmed and still win, killing everyone with his bare hands.

But then, there was his real self. Scared little blondie with stupidly cute face, looking confused, like a newborn fawn who is standing on his legs for the first time. It was almost ridiculous how much the mask changed him, how much it gave this terrified little boy strenght. 

Dream wondered if Techno was the same.

He wondered what he really is. 

Sure he despited that guy... probably. He had to admit that his company wasn't that bad as he thought. He looked like a educated guy that has a lot to share but is keeping for himself for some reason. It made Dream fascinated and hated to admit it, but he was actually interested in him, in knowing his true self. 

"Was this the lesson Techno was talking about?" Dream thought to himself. "I accused him of stuff I knew nothing about. That... wasn't fair."

Dream missed the way Techno was talking to him in the beggining. The dinner and all that before the armchair incident was really nice and he would be lying if he wasn't enjoying pink haired man's company. He was charming and funny, treating a guy that wanted to kill him like a guest, feeding him and making sure he wasn't freezing to death in cold mountain region. He.. really wasn't acting like a guy everyone was terrified of.

He looked at his reflection once again, cringing once he realized how he was acting. He knew nothing and broke into his house or whatever this place was, and he tried to kill him, not even questioning what he was actually guilty of. 

"Maybe I am the asshole." 

The realization hit him like a truck. He stood up and banged on the door, calling Techno's name and begging to be let out. He had to bite the bullet and admit that he have to apologize to him. And for the first time in his life, actually listen to the other side.


When Dream finally heard the footsteps, it was almost an hour after his big realization and the whole time he was sitting there, starring at his reflection like a kicked pupppy, he was contemplating his next step. For once his plan wasn't including being a wild beast and killing everything and everyone in his sight, but listening and communicating. Was this what mentally stable people do? Dream was thinking about that a lot.

When the door opened, he saw Techno in his coat, holding a sword once again in case Dream would act like his usual self. He didnt know that he was a new man now, ready to actually do something that makes sense. 

"How was the solitary confinement?" Techno dryly asked, looking around the room that he chose for him.

"Um... it was quite eye opening, actually."

"Oh really?" Techno raised an eyebrown, making Dream gulp for variety of reasons.

"Yeah... I am so sorry about the whole thing, I realized that I was acting like a fucking idiot." Dream spoke, watching Techno's reaction.

Techno just nodded.

"...I would like to actually listen to your side of the story. I accused you of stuff that I knew nothing about and that wasn't fair." he chose his words carefully, trying to come up with something that would make Technoblade actually convince that he was serious about this. 

"I should have done that right away but I was blinded by the vision of you know... defeating the most feared guy and looking like a badass."

That made Techno interested. "And...?"

Dream sighed. "...maybe you are better than me."

Pink haired man just smiled. "I see that you learned your lesson." he said, taking out his sword, ready to attack.


Dream's heart almost stopped when Techno swung his sword against him, ready to have his inside spilled out, but he felt only one thing: his hands no longer being connected be chain.

"I almost missed, be grateful that I aim perfectly." Techno smirked, looking at the rest of the handcuffs that were hanging on Dream's wrists. 

"You are... letting me out of the cell without them?" blonde was staring at Techno in awe, still a bit shocked from the surprise attack.

"Of course I do." the taller man said, taking out little key from his pocket and unlocking the handcuffs, tossing them away. "I don't wanna talk about my life with a prisoner, but a friend."

Dream's eyes widened. This is all it took for him to be set free? Maybe he would become a pacifist after all..

"I um... Thank you, this actually means a lot to me..." he nervously laughed, feeling suddenly like a stupid schoolgirl, giggling at her crush's joke. "So um.. when are we going to start?"

"Right now. But before we continue," he closed the door and made Dream come with him to the cellar. "We need a drink."

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