Chapter 7

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For past an hour was Techno's bedroom getting filled with various moans and whines, making the noises echo through the whole castle.

"Jesus christ, how can you walk in these?" Dream was trying desperately to fit in tight leather pants his pink haired friend borrowed him.

"I dont," Techno spoke through closed door, giving blonde man some privacy as he was trying to pick some new clothes. "I used to wear these when I was a teenager, I thought that it would fit your body you know."

"Do I look like teenager to you?" Dream was getting frustrated, slowly losing his mind over various fancy clothes Techno suggested to him to wear. When he first came here, ready to kill him, he obviously didnt think of having a whole week long visit and bringing his own stuff, so he had to try on some of Techno's stuff. 

But Technoblade obviously wasn't built like him, like at all. Dream was aware of the fact that his pink haired friend was much more robust, muscular and obviously taller, making him feel like a little kid next to him.

"You sure do have the body type, little boy." Dream could hear Techno's monotone voice one again, mocking him. He would get mad if he didn't like him that much.

They spent last two days talking about their next step: coming back to nearest village, trying to explain Techno's side of the story and hopefully recruiting enough people to help them fight against Technoblade's brother. Time they spent together brainstorming, laughing and just enjoying each other's presence made Dream realize something: he really liked Technoblade's company. Maybe way too much.

And now he was in his bedroom, trying on his clothes while listening his voice. Everything here was filled with his smell, his everything, it was almost unbearable and it made Dream overwhelmed.

"Dream?" he suddenly heard Techno's worried voice. "You alright there?"

"Yeah just.. I was just thinking, sorry."

"Good, I was just worried you got suffocated." he could practically hear the smirk in his voice, imagining his face, suddenly blushing.

"I just thought that I could maybe just wear the stuff I came in here, I don't wanna get castrated by your emo phase pants." he groaned, frustrated from trying on Techno's royal clothes and his own emotions. "Who even wears leather anymore? Dont you have some clothes made from normal fabric? Something more... peasant like?"

"Oh right, wait." Techno went silent for a second, throwing in Dream's old pants. "This will do."

"I hate you so much." Dream rolled his eyes so hard he probably made some nerves in back of his eye sockets pop.

"Sure you do." Techno said in his monotone voice, making Dream laugh. "Hurry up pretty boy, I wanna get dressed too."

"Aren't you wearing fancy stuff already?" Dream was certain he only saw Techno in cape and decorated, expensive looking clothes. He was pretty sure he probably even slept in them.

"Oh please, those are my indoors outfits, I need to shine once I get outta here." Techno replied. "You clearly don't know anything about fashion Dream."

Dream rolled his eyes again, faint smile on his face. He finally opened the doors, making room for Techno.

"You look exactly the same."

"So what? It's comfy." Dream crossed his arms, leaning onto the wall. "And I dont wanna outshine you since it's going to be your big day." he joked, looking at Techno as he was locking himself inside his bedroom.

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