Chapter 23

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First thought that came to Technoblade's mind on the morning of big, final day was "This is very, very wrong."

Everything went too fast. The way he and his boyfriend woke up in each other's arms, kissing and dressing up, the quick breakfast with his dear friends and suiting up, it was like they were speedrunning their deaths.

"There you go, big man." Wilbur handed him a shield, smiling like this was just a fun mission, not a suicidal one. "Don't drop it."

"I-I won't." Techno almost whispered, feeling like all the air was escaping his lungs as he felt the anxiety creep into his body. He just stood there with Dream by his side, fidgeting with hem of his coat.

"Hon, don't be so stressed, you have backup alright?" Dream tried to cheer his boyfriend up, but this obviously just made it worse.

"You are all idiots for going with me, just saying."

"Oh please," Dream adjusted his boyfriend's little braid that he spent the whole morning working on just so he wouldn't get any hair in his face while fighting. "I think we all deserve happy ending for everything we went through, don't you think?"

"That's not how life works," Techno mumbled, getting instantly silenced by Dream's lips.

"Shush, you are going to ruin this." blonde just smiled at him, pinching his nose.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Phil asked, checking if they all have their own weapon and shield. "Once we leave only for a few minutes, we can't come back."

Techno nodded, stepping out of the house before getting dragged back by Phil's hand. „Hey hey, we can't let you go outside like this." He handed him black hooded cape that was just big enough to cover him so noone could tell who's hiding under it.

„Oh.. that's smart, yeah." Techno said in monotone voice, thanking Phil for being so thoughtful while putting the cape over his own, red one.

Finally, he stepped out of the house with his boyfriend by his side and friends behind his back. He suddenly felt so exposed, like he just ran out naked and unprotected, almost feeling like a bunny around pack of wolves. But deep down he knew that if he dared to put the cape down, noone would be brave enough to fight him on their own.

The ground under his feet felt almost forbiden, like only walking through the streets of his hometown could get him killed. But on the other hand, it felt so good. It was almost like he remembered each and every stone he stepped on, everything suddeny felt so familiar even though everything he knew was torn down. He remembered everything, he knew that behind all those blacks and greys used to be colors, that flowers used to bloom on every corner and that everyone used to smile before everything went down. Somewhere, under this hollow place, used to be his home.

All his friends noticed the way he looked at the world around him, the way his body reacted to every little detail that made him remember how good it used to be. There was a rage building up under all that calm, put together mask he wore, little red dots of anger appearing in his eyes as every little memory came back to him, making him clench his fist without even knowing it.

As they went by, massive castle appeared in front of them, standing above the city like nightmarish watch dog, making people shiver in fear. There was something disturbing about the way it looked, like there was no life behind those walls, like this isn't place made for people, but for monsters in disguise.

„I can't wait to see his fucking head on the ground." Techno muttered, drawing a sword before getting stopped by Phil's hand once again.

„Techno I know you are mad, but we gotta think this through alright? The main point is to get your brother out in front of people so we can expose him, remember?"

Direct action (Dream x Technoblade)Where stories live. Discover now