Chapter 24 (C version)

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Complete darkness surrounded Technoblade's as he felt the posession spell take over his body, pushing his own consciousness in the back of his mind as something else, foreign and scary put itself in the driver's seat.

"Oh god, fuck-" he started muttering to himself, knowing that its just his own voice inside oh his mind that was talking, not his lips. He felt something heavy being put on his limbs, like he was getting cuffed to the second person that somehow formed under his skin. 

All his senses has gotten worse, he could barely hear anything over the loud humming of blood that was going through his body and all he could see was just grey nothing with various black silhouettes appearing in it and dissapearing again. And they all had something in common; they screamed like their life depended on it.

Technoblade felt scared. Absolutely terrified. He knew very well what his brother planned with his and he also knew what his body could go, making it a dangerous weapon in hands of someone as unstable as his sibling. All his power, all his muscles and skills went to him and there was nothing Techno could do about it.

He heard the screams coming from outside, hyperventilating through lungs that weren't his own, crying through eyes that belonged to foreign force. He recognized them all and none of them were Dream's.

If he still owned his body, he would be shaking. His legs wouldn't be able to carry his weight and he would collapse on the ground, crying like a mess he is. Only imagining that now, at this very moment, he could be watching Dream's last seconds on this earth, killing him with his own hands... he would rather put a stake through his heart.

"Techno," he heard a familiar voice. "Love I know you are here, please wake up!"

Suddenly, his veins got filled with life. There was a hope. He was still alive.

"Snap out of it! Please-" he yelled before escaping another Techno's fast lunge, making it out alive. "D-do something!"

There were desperate cries in his voice that made Techno's heart ache. He only saw his little silhouette in grey void of his mind, fighting for his life, but losing as he was alone on him, hearing their friends fight his brother.

He had to do something. 

Technoblade never knew how to concentrate on things correctly. There was always something slipping through hole filled filter of his mind and it made it painful to not do something out of bursts of emotions rather than out of logic, but he always tried. He tried to look calm and collected, always plotting and thinking about his next step and he managed to do it for such a long time that he actually convinced himself that he's good at it. 

Valuing logic, facts and overthinking over feelings, emotions and just doing it, all the time. But now, for the first time in his life, he needed to just be himself and let it all out. Just feel it. Screaming into the void as his lungs burned, loving so hard that it physically hurt, fighting against that dark something that was in driver's seat just so he could save someone he loved, even if it meant that he had to kill for him.



There was a body of his brother beneath him, black blood spilling everywhere as he felt something heavy that hovered over his body finally vanish. He looked at his hands, knowing that those are his own. That his body is no longer a weapon.

Loud booming noise resonated through the arena, feeling the vibrations in his body as hundreds cheering noises made the ground shake. Blur of motions surrounded him and he felt lightheaded, seeing that there were sillhouettes of people running up to him and not only grey void of nothingness.

Direct action (Dream x Technoblade)Where stories live. Discover now