Chapter 12

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Dream felt a cold air hit his face as he finally got to the top of the hill, admiring the beautiful land underneath him. He saw the deep dark woods laced with flower meadows and silver rivers, hearing the water sing and tall pine trees hum as their branches moved. It was like the land was alive, breathing and talking to him. It felt good to be somewhere where he could feel free. The place he came from was beautiful too, but it could never reach the level of beauty that he saw underneath him.

On top of the hill was a big oak tree, majestic and strong; that was aura Dream was naturally drawn into. He sat under the tree, taking advance of the shadow that was being cast by the giant beyond him and he closed his eyes, completely relaxing his body as he let his mind open for him. He missed home.

It was nearly a year since he started his bounty hunter journey. Original plan was to just take care of one criminal and then go back home, like some kind of little adventurous trip, but then people noticed that he's good. Really, really good.

Justice system in his land wasn't always perfect and struggled a lot, so Dream was a perfect oppurtunity for them to finally catch some of the worst criminals with easy, after all, they knew he had no other choice than to listen to them and do his job, they knew that the money he got were really important to him.

He wasn't born into wealthy family, in fact, he got the short end of the stick in almost every aspect of life. His parents were always busy getting money to take care of their kids, struggling with finances, living in the worst part of town in worst city in the land. Every day was full of hard choices; do we buy food or do we pay rent? Do we go out to work, or do we rather stay home to protect kids from being kidnapped? Is this life even worth it?

Dream missed many lessons in school due him working or protecting siblings at home, but he got many life lessons instead. He knew how to fight, how to make food from almost nothing and how to take care of crying kids when drunk big men were hammering their fists on their door. Since he went to kindergarden on got beaten for piece of bread, he never stopped learning.

Maybe he wasn't the most educated, but he was smart and strong and unlike the others he knew how to take advantage of his skills. He quickly learned the best way to punch, how to swing a sword or what kind of knife to bring to knifefight when he pissed someone off. He gained not only new knowledge, but also muscles and soon he could walk down the street without worrying about being attacked for he knew he was the most dangerous guy in this whole god damned land.

When he learned that he could use his body and brain for not only catching criminals but also for feeding his family, he immediately asked his best friend to join him in his path to the better life. One "commission" turned into two another and then he made his little side hustle into a full time job. He knew very well that he will spend maybe too much time out of the town, but it was the only way to help his family to get better home. Putting money into an envelope and sending it home always felt good, but not nearly as good as actually spending time with his family.

He wanted to go home.

"What are you doing here?" he heard George's voice behind him, seeing tall brunet come up to him. "You dissapeared after the breakfast like a ghost, I thought we were going fishing." he sat down as Dream facepalmed over his forgetfulness. He completely forgot about their plan and now he felt like a selfish idiot.

"Fuck, I am sorry George..." he groaned, visibly pissed off at himself. "I am so sorry I just... we were talking about some stuff at the table and I completely forgot, my bad. Maybe we could go fishing in the evening?"

"...are you okay?" George immediately noticed the way Dream acted. There was something bothering him and he had to be alone to think about it by himself, that wasn't a good sign.

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