Chapter 15

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„Fuck this hurts, what the hell?“

„I told you to not move dumbass, now I gotta do the curls again.“

Dream got brave enough to admit that he’s not really good at well… having some manners and after little chat they decided that Wilbur would be ideal candidate for his ethics teacher.

Choosing good clothes for certain events and combining them, using right forks and spoons when eating fancy foods, all that was his speciality and blonde knew that he needs his help if he wants to impress Technoblade tonight.

„How the hell can you go through this every day?“ Dream was getting frustrated after almost half an hour of brushing his messy hair, feeling his scalp get sore after many Wilbur’s attempts of curling them.

„I don’t, these are natural,“ Dream could see Wilbur’s reflection in the mirror as he touched his beautiful curls with smug expression on his face. „But if you mean combing your hair, then I don’t know what to tell you; people do this every day, it’s not like it’s basic stuff.“ He rolled his eyes as he tried to untangle another lock of Dream’s blonde hair.

„Don’t be so- SHIT.“ Dream growled as he felt Wilbur tug on his hair once again.

„You gotta suffer a little for beauty,“ brunet smirked, admiring how perfectly he combed Dream’s locks. „I gotta say that for someone who barely uses hairbrush you have really healthy hair. What is your secret?“

„Blood of my enemies I guess,“ Dream looked at his hair in the mirror, running his fingers through them. „Damn, you actually untangled them. How the fuck did you do that?“

„It’s called „taking care of yourself.“ Wilbur grabbed little tube with hairgel and tried a few hairstyles on him, looking like he’s actually having fun.

„How do you want them to be styled?“

„Wilbur you know very well I have no idea how to style hair unless its wearing them down.“ Blonde watched as his fingers made their way up, making a little wave.

„I think we will ditch the curls and make it a bit smooth, what do you think about that?“

„Be my guest.“

Dream watched Wilbur’s face as he did his best with his messy hair, thinking about what was probably going through his head. They knew each other for a few years even before Dream‘s little adventure, but he never mentioned that he belonged to the royals, let alone being future king’s best friend, but for understandable reason he probably kept that as a secret.

Dream obviously noticed the way he dressed and took care of himself, thinking that he’s just flamboyant, but it was probably just him thinking that; to him was everyone who took a little effort in taking care of themselves fancy as hell, if he was being honest to himself. He also noticed the way he spoke and acted, way too well behaved for someone who claimed to be just from „rich family“ and not someone from upper class. It was probably his way of coping with losing his friend, taking his guitar and getting lost in the streets, looking for something to fill the void. Dream knew that feeling very well.

Back then they were just kids. I fit wasn’t for Wibur’s parents who liked to travel, exploring new lands and cultures and who took interest in Dream’s city, they would have never met. Every year they would meet in the fanciest part of the town, hiding from Wilbur’s parents for they would scold him for being a friend with some common „peasant“.

Fortunately, he didn’t care and he kept on hanging out with Dream, telling him about the great city of their king.

„It’s so big!“ baby Wilbur would say, making dramatic gestures. „At least six times bigger then this whole town, with big fancy houses and water fountains all over! We also have zoos!“

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