Chapter 13

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The life in the valley was moving slowly. The forest hummed silently it's song as little animals took a nap on soft moss, suddenly rising up and running away to safety when they heard Dream as he was coming back from his little heartfelt moment with George, completely drowning in his thoughts. He spent the whole way down from the hill thinking about his next step, and that was getting the book where he could at least get some basic information on ethics.

He remembered that his mom once tried to educate her kids on this, explaining how important it is to act nice and noble to at least trick people into thinking they are those things. Dream did not remember a thing, because back then there were much more important things for him to know, and now he regretted it deeply, fighting urge to punch himself to face in hope of getting the memory back from depths of his mind.

He basically felt the time slipping out of his hands. Sun finally made its way to the highest point of the sky, signalling to Dream that it's time for the duel, but he was not at all in headspace to fight Techno, no way. He was so ready to just cancel the fight, but he was pretty sure that Wilbur would just call him a pussy, and at this point he would probably just kick his ass and make sushi out of him.

Dream took a deep breath as he made his way to his room, looking for some clean clothes he could bring into fight with him. He went through his whole baggage and sadly found out that there he had clothes, but there were none that he considered... noble enough. Or at least clean enough.

He stood up, looking at the mess he created in his room when he was desperately searching for something decent. The crushing realization of him being dirty, not-at-all fashionable and poor guy made him just feel like shit. ‚Why the hell I never got myself some normal clothes?' he thought to himself, trying to desperately put some good outfit together as he cursed himself for being a pig.

When he finally put some clothes together, he just felt miserable; It consisted of just a plain t-shirt with cotton pants and green hoodie, something he wore every goddamn day. It wasn't the best, but it was the only thing that was clean and that was the main focus of his. He did not care that he's probably going to stain it once he gets into a fight with some dirty, sweat or even blood, he just wanted to look good. He wanted to look like anyone but himself.

He grabbed his sword and shield, standing up in front of the mirror and admiring how it looked together. With the weaponery it wasn't bad, it was actually great, but then the memory of Techno dressing fancy to every occasion came up and he felt something crushing his heart inside his chest. Against him, he's still a peasant.

‚If I wasn't the one who was sent to kill him,' he thought to himself. ‚He would probably never notice me.'

He took a deep breath, trying to keep the tears inside. He felt like a mess, even though he knew that he's overthinking, he felt like there was a truth in this.

‚I got lucky.' anxiety hammered into his head. ‚I spent a few days with him and probably manipulated Techno to like me enough to be friends with me.'

Blonde gulped, feeling his chest get heavier and heavier as he overthinked everything. He rushed out of the door, trying to shook those thoughts off his mind, but his own head betrayed him, screaming into the void of his conscience all this made up nonsense until he finally go to the field where he had to fight Technoblade.

There were mainly kids, but also many many villagers that wanted to make their boring day a little bit more interesting by watching the fight. The sand ground of their little battlefield was way too small for doing fancy tricks, but it was enough to actually make a room for two people. ‚Speaking of Technoblade' Dream thought to himself. ‚Is he even coming?'

He turned around to look for him, but then he heard a cheering, making him look back at the battlefield where he suddenly appeared like he just materialized from the ground. Pink haired man looked shy but determined, straightening up his posture as he locked his eyes with Dream's. Blonde's whole body froze when he saw him take off his cape and nonchalantly throw it to the corner, taking out his sword and flashing Dream a smile.

„Shall we begin?"

Dream just nodded, feeling the blood leave his body and rush to his cheeks, making him feel a little bit lightheaded. Before he started to move against him, he took a time to admire the way Technoblade dressed for this occasion, looking fancy like always. He saw a small changes in his clothes, things like cotton pants with black belt instead of leather ones, different silky shirt with lacing and decorated gloves, but he appreciated the loss of his cape the most, as it revealed his whole body frame. He nervously gripped his sword, trying not to look distracted by his opponent's looks.

"I am ready." he replied, taking out his sword and raising his shield, attacking Technoblade right away to make his thoughts go away, making audicence gasp at the sudden movement.

The clashing of swords was loud as hell, making the mountains around the village echo their noises through the valley. Even though it was just a friendly fight to amuse villagers and their kids, it almost felt scary; the way their bodies dodged blades and swear dripped made it look like there was something else that made their movements swiftier and attacks more dangerous. It was almost like they were trying to impress each other.

Dream heard people scream and cheer for them, recognizing George's voice as he whistled and roared his name like a cheerleader which made him chuckle under the mask as he blocked another one of Techno's attacks, making the pink haired man growl in frustration. Something about that sound made him blush way too hard to his liking.

"Kick his ass Techno!" 

As they continued their little battle dance, Dream heard another voice in the crowd that he recognized. It was Wilbur, obviously, he saw him In the corner of his eye scream Techno's name and cheer for him like crazy, dressed in fancy clothes and his signature hat he almost never took off. Blonde swear he saw those clothes somewhere before...

"Dream focus!" George's voice made him jump right before Techno could actually hit him, feeling like there was just way too much to focus on. Techno's carefully calculated movements, George's screaming, the way sword got way too heavy in his hand and Wilbur's outfit. Why was it so familiar to him.

He made a few steps behind to have a room to breathe before attacking but also to have a better look at the curly haried brunet, going through his memories to figure out why it bothered him so much. But then he realized.

Those were Techno's clothes.

"DREAM!" he heard distant screaming before falling to the ground with his shield broken into two halves, followed by loud cheering as people realized that Techno won over him. 

Everything around him was smudged like an old painting, noises coming to him slowly like through water and he didn't even care that he lost. His hands were shaky and his vision got blurry as his only point of focus was shirt Wilbur wore. His heart pounded like crazy against his ribcage, making him feel like it going to make hole through his chest, which was oddly fitting to how he felt inside.

"Good fight Dream," Techno smiled at him, giving him a helping hand to help him stand up from the ground. Blonde just looked at the decorated glove he wore, recognizing Wilbur's initials that were sewn into it with little golden flowers around it. 

"I-I..." Dream stuttered, looking into Techno's eyes, feeling like sinking into the sand under him. "I need to go."

He rose up from the ground, throwing off his sword and shield and leaving them behind, rushing away from this god damned place.

"I really need to go."

Direct action (Dream x Technoblade)Where stories live. Discover now