Chapter 11

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Lightning: What's up!

Dragon: And we are back! Next to spin iiiiissssss... Calypso!

Calypso: *spins the bottle and lands on Hazel* Truth or dare?

Lightning: Stunts!

Hazel: Truth.

Lightning: Aww.

Dragon: Stop saying stunts! Maybe then they'll choose dare! *pours Veritaserum into Hazel's mouth*

Lightning: It's sorta the point but whatever.

Calypso: Anyway, didn't you mention having a crush on Leo's grandfather or something? I haven't really heard about it that much but i want to know if it's true. Sammy Valdez wasn't it?

Leo: Calypso, WHY THE HECK?!

Calypso: Sorry I'm just curious!

Dragon: Oh ya! I forgot that Hazel's really old! *sniggers* Leo's grandfather! Hehehe!

Hazel: Are you laughing at me?!

Dragon: No.

Calypso: Just answer! Did you actually like him?

Hazel: Yeah, I really did love him. *blushes*

Lightning: Okay.

Calypso: Noted.

Leo: Please shut up about it! *also blushes*

Lightning: Okay! Next!

Piper: Alright. *spins bottle and lands on Frank* Okay, truth or dare?

Frank: I'm just gonna be stupid and say dare.

Lightning: YES! FINALLY! MY TURN! I'll take over now! Wait, didn't you say you hated stunts? Or was that Leo?

Frank: ...

Dragon: Definitely Frank. Make him turn into an animal! I really want to see a dare with that involved!

Lightning: That's not a stunt though.

Dragon: Wah!

Frank: I would rather turn into an animal than do a stunt!

Dragon: We aren't playing would you rather here a stunt!

Frank: Noo!

Lightning: YES!

Piper: I will decide what he has to do!

Dragon: Do stunts!

Lightning: YES!

Piper: Maybe.

Dragon: Ok.

Piper: I dare Frank to turn into an animal, I didn't want to be so rude to him.

Lightning: She has a soft spot for him

Piper: WHAT! NO!

Jason: WHAT!

Dragon: Oh god! Are you shipping them?!

Lightning: Yeah, no. I was just pointing it out!

Dragon: Never scare me like that again! Anyway make the dare more torturous!

Piper: Well...fine. He has to turn into an animal and...and...

Lightning: What?

Dragon: And yes?

Piper: And...

Lightning: Turn him into a fire-breathing dragon who then burns his own life-line! Dragon likes the dragon idea right?

Dragon: Well, umm... I'm just going to ignore the fact that you said for him to turn into me, but yeah! Dragons are my favorite mythical creature ever!

Percy: I'm not really sure if you want to meet one though.

Leo: Hey! Festus was really nice!

Dragon: Yeah, exactly! I can't believe you said that Percy!

Piper: Frank just do the dare. I'm pretty sure Dragon or Lightning will revive you!

Lightning: Yup!

Dragon: I don't exactly want to but okay!

Frank: Uh..okay? *takes out stick, turns into a red dragon, burns it, then dies*


Dragon: Ugh! *revives Frank* Well last of all is Percy!

Percy: Ok. *spins bottle and lands on Annabeth* Well, truth or dare?

Annabeth: Truth.

Dragon: *pours truth potion into Annabeth's mouth*

Lightning: This one's gonna be different...

Percy: So...*glances nervously at Luke* Do you want to get back together again?

Everyone: *gasps*

Lightning: Told you!

Dragon: I sorta knew that may happen!

Annabeth: I-uh-yeah I do want to get back together. *Effects wear off* I'm sorry!

Percy: I am too. *kisses Annabeth*

Lightning: Uh okay?

Luke: Well I'm lonely again!

Dragon: Don't worry! You'll find someone! Eventually! Not!

Luke: *voice dripping with sarcasm* Yeah, thanks that helped a lot!

Dragon: Your welcome!

Lightning: Hey, what about Thalia?

Thalia: I hope Artemis will let me back.

Dragon: Heh. Probably not. Well anyway, that's the end of spin the bottle truth or dare! And the end of this round! So BYEEEE!!!!

Lightning: Laters!

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