Chapter 16

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Lightning: Hey!

Dragon: HEYO!


Dragon: No. Just no.

Lightning: Fine, we'll do it later! But today we have a contest!

Dragon: I have the best idea ever! MOVIE NIGHT!

Percy: Sounds better than a contest! I'm in!

All Players except Percy: Ya, sure. Sounds good!

Thalia: Sooo...what movie are we watching?

Dragon: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2!

Luke: Ugh! Please no!

Lightning: Well then, we'll watch Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief!

Percy: They have a movie adaption? Is it as good as the real quest?

Dragon: Eaaahhhhhh...

Lightning: *Snickers*

Percy: Let's watch!

Dragon: Well, you asked for it! *teleports in a giant TV and starts the movie*

A few minutes in

Percy: What the heck! That doesn't look anything like me!

Lightning: *Laughing*

Annabeth: This is horrible, I'm supposed to be blonde!

Dragon: I hate it as much as you do but... *chuckles* it's hilarious!

Grover: I didn't do that at the Lotus Casino! Although I wish I did!

Leo: Oh. My. Gods. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me!

Lightning: *Still Laughing*

Dragon: It's the worst thing that ever happened to the world!

Credits are playing

Percy: Who are these actors?! I'm seriously gonna sue them!

Annabeth: They ruined meeee!!!

Lightning: Hahahahahahaha! Next time they should read the Percy Jackson book!

Dragon: Betcha wish that we watched Harry Potter!

Annabeth: *whimpers* Yeah, yeah I do!

Dragon: We can put it on now if you like!

Percy: Maybe. What do you think Lightning?

Lightning: You should read the book.

Dragon: Yeah, yeah! I'll give it to them later and they can tell us what they think next time! For now, Harry Potter here we come! *Puts on the Deathly Hallows part 2*

Luke: So that noseless guy is evil right? And the boy and his three friends are good?

Dragon: Yeah.

Fast forward to the Ron and Hermione kiss scene

Percy: Stab the cup! Stab the cup! Yeah!

Dragon: Shhhh! Shut up! They're about to kiss!

Luke: Wait, what? Ewwwwww!

Lightning: I agree!

Fast forward to Snape's death

Dragon: WHAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!! *tears stream down face* AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Player: Oh my god, that's so sad!

Jason: Eck! That Voldy guy's voice is scary!

Annabeth: Wait, what's he doing? Why's he putting that man's tears in a bowl?

Dragon: It's called a pensieve, and his tears are memories!

Annabeth: Ooooooh!

Juniper: Snape's childhood is so sad! I feel so bad for him!

Luke: Yeah, it must be hard for him. His crush married his mortal enemy!

Snape: Expecto Patronum. *waves wand and silver doe appears*

Dumbledore: Lily! After all this time?

Snape: Always.

Dragon: *cries some more* WWWWWHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

Leo: *pats Dragon on the back* It's okay!

Dragon: It's not!

Lightning: *Snickers*

Fast forward to Harry's "death"

Thalia: He's actually gonna let him kill him?!

Dragon: Duh! He's a horcrux!

Thalia: Wait! How's he alive?

Dragon: I don't really know that part but yeah, he is alive!

Fast forward to the final battle

Luke: That Neville guy is really stupid!

Dragon: Not really.

Luke: Eh. Woah, Harry!

Thalia: Did you see the look on Voldy's face! *laughs*

Fast forward to Neville killing Nagini

Dragon: Not so stupid anymore, huh?

Luke: Yeah.

Player: Die Voldy, die! Die Voldy, die!

Piper: Eew! Why's he becoming ashes?

Dragon: Because Neville killed the snake!

Fast forward to 19 years later

Annabeth: Woah! The Draco dude isn't even taunting him anymore!

Dragon: Well they're grown up, so they won't do that anymore!

Grover: Albus Severus Potter?! What kind of name is that?

Lightning: What name is Grover?

Dragon: I don't really like it either, but the Severus part keeps me from raging.

Grover: Understandable.

Credits are playing

Percy: That was probably the best movie I've watched in my life!

All players except Percy: Yeah, same!

Dragon: It is THE best! What did you think Lightning? Better than Percy Jackson the movie, anyway.

Lightning: The movie yes, the book... NO WAY!

Dragon: I understand that you are more of a Percy Jackson fan. So what did you think of the movie?

Lightning: Meh. Now! Who wants to play Never Have I Ever!

Dragon: Next time maybe. *yawns* It's late! Well bye!

Lightning: Bye!

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