Chapter 14

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Dragon: It's time for a new game!

Lightning: Yeah!

Dragon: It's time foooooor...would you rather!

Lightning: Knew it. Are we playing?

Players: Yay, I guess?

Dragon: Yeah, maybe. Do you want to? Cause I'm fine with anything.

Lightning: Meh. Your choice.

Dragon: Welllll...then we're playing! Alright, the order is the same as last time, except we go first!

Lightning: We could make it the same as the spin the bottle thing...

Dragon: Oh yeah, sure! Then you're first!

Lightning: Okay! Hmm... Thalia!

Thalia: Uh...yes?

Lightning: Would you rather kiss Jason or Dragon?

Dragon: Wait what?!

Lightning: Just asking!

Thalia: Erm... well Jason.

Dragon: Thanks for sparing me the thought if you chose me.

Thalia: I didn't want to think about that either!

Dragon: Well, Leo, you're next!

Leo: Uh.. Calypso?

Calypso: Yes Leo dear!

Lightning: Oh I know what to ask! *Evil Smirk*

Leo: Uh What?

Lightning: *Uses telepathy to tell Leo*

Leo: Ooh! Cool! Calypso! Would you rather me cheat on you or break up with you?

Calypso: I know where this is going! Well I'd choose a break up!

Dragon: Both are going to result in the same thing, if you know what I mean!

Calypso: Of course I know what you mean!

Lightning: Okay... moving on. Calypso! I'm making you next because I want to see the drama!

Calypso: I pick... DRAGON OF COURSE!

Lightning: Knew it!

Dragon: Welp. Go on.

Lightning: Yeah...

Calypso: Dragon! Would you rather kill Leo or kill yourself? WAIT THAT WASN'T MY QUESTION!

*Everyone stares at Lightning*

Lightning: Yes, I changed it with author powers, but hers was too inappropriate! *Shudders*

Dragon: It was also too easy.

Calypso: My real question was better!

Lightning: Dragon seriously wouldn't like it... it was weird... even for you! But anyway just answer Dragon!


Lightning: Fine, whatever. Calypso was gonna ask would you rather kiss her or marry her... okay she said something way more inappropriate but well... 18+! Basically the same concept though!

Dragon: Crap, what the heck.

Lightning: Told you you'd hate it! Anyway, answer!

Dragon: If we think about it sensibly, the better answer will be to kiss her so I'm gonna stick with that.

Hazel: Well...I'm gonna go next! Leo, would you rather marry Dragon or me?

Leo: *shook from the last question*

Hazel: Leeeeoo? *waves hand in front of his face*

Leo: Huh? Oh, Dragon.

Grover: Me next!

Lightning: WAIT! First, Hazel? DO YOU REMEMBER FRANK?


Hazel: Sorry, just needed to know if he moved on!

Frank: SURE!

Lightning: Meh. Anyway. Next! Grover!

Grover: So... Percy, would you rather be with Thalia or Rachel?

Annabeth: Please don't start that again!

Percy: Well...Rachel. Please don't be mad Annabeth!

Annabeth: I'm not. I'm mad at Grover!

Dragon: Luke go next! I'm just doing that for some reason!

Luke: Good! I've got the perfect one and it's for you!

Dragon: Well, okay.

Luke: Would you rather be with Leo, or... that Snape guy?

Dragon: It's obvious, isn't it?

Leo: Me?

Dragon: No, Snape! LIKE DUH!

Luke: Wow, just wow.

Lightning: *Shrugs* I expected it... Snape is a 40 year old man or something anyway.

Dragon: He's thirty eight! When he dies at least. *quietly cries* It's like the only thing that makes me cry!

Lightning: First rule of battle, NEVER SHOW WEAKNESS! But 38 rounds to 40! Common math! So I'm right! Anyway next!

Dragon: It's me. So Nico? Me or Annabeth?

Nico: Please stop, Will is gonna kill me

Dragon: He doesn't really have to know, So just answer.

Nico: Fine. Annabeth.

Dragon: Nicobeth is on!

Lightning: You did that on purpose! Anyway next is Annabeth!

Annabeth: Ok. Lightning. Wait! WHAT?

Lightning: Yup, I chose myself.

Annabeth: Why?

Lightning: *Shrugs* I'm bored!

Dragon: It's about time! I've been in and involved in too many!

Lightning: Meh. Anyway go!

Annabeth: Well, Lightning, would you rather...

Lightning: STUNTS!

Annabeth: Fine, so would you rather... um... okay I don't know any stunts.

Lightning: Aww.

Annabeth: Would you rather be a dolphin or an octopus?

Lightning: Really? Dolphin. Anyway, next!

Annabeth: I don't know!

Dragon: Super laaaaaamme! Well we'll end here so bye!

Lightning: Bye!

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