Chapter 21

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Dragon: Well, we are back. I had a fun time with you guys! I can't believe I said that but I really mean it!

Lightning: Yeah. It's been nice knowing you.

Players: Wait, what?! What's happening?

Dragon: Well, we have to let you guys go now!

Lightning: Remember? The Prank War was the finale.

Player: Wait, but no, but...

Leo: We can't be...

Dragon: Yeah, it's that time already!

Piper: But we had fun and we-we don't want to leave!

Lightning: We'll miss you guys.

Dragon: Heh, I know you don't but all things have to have an end!

Thalia: Are you kidding?! I need to get out of here!

Piper: No way!

Lightning: Maybe we'll make a sequel! But later.

Dragon: Erm, well maybe!

Lightning: It was fun. All those memories.

Dragon: You know what? Enough of being sappy! It's not suiting me! Well it WAS fun torturing, killing, and forcing you to do things!

Luke: Well, back to normal I suppose!

Dragon: Yep! Well, try not to die too early, cause we need that sequel!

Percy: *laughs* We'll try not to!

Leo: Well, you know, I really enjoyed truth or dare. Even when it included other games. We should organize game nights on Friday with the whole camp! And make it extreme!

Lightning: STUNTS!

Jason: No! Not extreme! You know how we hate you amping them up!

Dragon: You have extreme game nights?! Well now I know where I'm gonna go on Fridays!

Leo: Really? You're gonna come?!

Dragon: Duh! I will be a bit busy with a new batch, but I'll drop by on Fridays when I'm free! How about you Lightning? You gonna come?

Lightning: Where there are stunts, there is me. Same with pranks.

Dragon: I'm gonna take that as a yes!

Players: Yay!!

Dragon: Well, I think it's time! But don't worry! Game nights are gonna be fun! How o'clock on next Friday?

Lightning: Perfect! We can come to my mansion! Or I guess camp would be fine too.

Leo: Yeah, camp is better. The Jupiter kids?

Jason: Yeah, we'll be able to make it.

Piper: Great! Then it's settled!

Dragon: Well see you guys next Friday and don't forget to plan the most extreme games ever! Byee!!

Players: Byee!! See ya!

Dragon: *teleports players back to Camp Half-Blood* Whew! All in a day's work! Well, we better get ready for our next batch!

Lightning: Yeah. Sure gonna miss them though.

Dragon: We're still gonna see them next Friday! So till then!

Lightning: Till then! Byeeeeeeeee!

End of Story

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