Chapter 5

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Dragon: *Yawns* Ugh didn't get enough sleep! Anyway who's ready for another round?

Players: *silence*

Dragon: Well I'll take that as a yes! dares...*stares at list*

Leo: So how many rounds are there anyway?

Dragon and Lightning: Fifteen!

Lightning: But, we could have more if you want! *Bats eyelashes innocently*

Players: NO WAY!!!!

Lightning: Awwwww! *Sad* But anyway, I want exciting truths or dares this time!

Dragon: You know what? I want to have some truths this round!

Lightning: I know one! *Grins Evilly* It's a classic, every player has to say their crush! And I know you all have one! Even you Thalia!


Dragon: That's what makes it so fun!!!

Lightning: OooooOooooh! Percy likes someone other than Annabeth!

Nico: *Perks up and Blushes* H-He does!?

Lightning: Yup!

Dragon: AWWWWW NICO! You really think?

Thalia: Whatever, and I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH!

Lightning: Mhm, Sure. Just know that you can't fool me.

Dragon: Or me!! I know a good ship if it pokes me in the eyes!

Lightning: Yup! Don't deny it Thalia!

Thalia: *Slight Blush* U-um, I have no idea what you're talking about!

Lightning: Aw! You're blushing!

Dragon: Ha! Classic Thalia! Always thinks she's better off without boys!!

Lightning: Yeah! Only I'M better off without boys!

Dragon: That counts me too!!

Percy: Um, you do know boys are here right?

Lightning: Yeah, I do!

Leo: I'm just gonna pretend that Lightning didn't ship us in the first round!

Lightning: That was between you and Dragon, and GET OVER IT WILL YA! Why are you so obsessed with it? Do you like Dragon or something?! Aww! You do!

Dragon: Oooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Leo: *Slight Blush* S-Shut Up!

Lightning: Awww! You're blushing! I honestly don't think Dragon feels the same way, but that's your problem! Anyway, DO THE TRUTH! *Watches and eats Popcorn*

Dragon: Well we can skip Leo cause we allllll know!

Lightning: Yup! And I honestly expected Dragon to be all embarrassed and deny it... hmmmm.. do YOU like HIM?

Dragon: OH I CAN DENY IT ALL RIGHT! But I chose not too!

Lightning: Why? To spare his feelings?


Lightning: Yeah yeah, I know!

Dragon: The prospect of boys having a crush on you versus you having a crush on them is more appealing!

Lightning: Yeah I know, anyway... NEXT! PERCY! And tell us ALL of your crushes!

Percy: Do I HAVE to do this? *Glances at Annabeth*

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