Chapter 18

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Lightning: Hey!

Dragon: Hello players!

Players: Hiii...

Dragon: Time for another round of Never Have I Ever!

Players: Yaaaaaay...

Dragon: Pftt! You guys aren't looking good today!

Piper: *forced smile* We're fine!

Dragon: Well I don't trust your judgment! But anyway, let's start!

Lightning: Welp. Wanna ask the question this time?

Dragon: *whispers to Lightning* I have no idea what it is, so no. Also I was busy yesterday. Also I saw this thing called Aaravos x reader and died.

Lightning: *whispers* I know! There are many stories like that... we do not speak of them!

Dragon: *whispers* Yeah, I'm ok with Snape x reader but Aaravos... taking it too far!

Lightning: Anyway! Next question Dragon!

Dragon: *ranting* I mean, I ship Viravos because it's just good. And I like Aaravos, just as a character cause he's cool, but other people have a crush on him, like, what in the gods!? But I imagine Aaravos is into the Viravos ship but Viren is like whaaaa...? But seriously the ship is amazing!

Lightning: I know! I want to rant too! But the others are super clueless right now... so JUST GET TO THE QUESTION!

Dragon: Ohh yeah, I forgot they existed for a few minutes. Okay, so, Never Have I Ever... lied to your girlfriend or boyfriend. Percy?

Percy: Um... Nope!

Lightning: You lied, didn't you?

Percy: It wasn't my fault that the Christmas cookies were so temptingly delicious!

Annabeth: Ugh! No matter, I spotted frosting on your cheek anyway!

Percy: I'm sorry! You shouldn't have put them on the table yet!

Dragon: Mmm, cookies! Well, Piper?

Piper: Of course not! I would never lie to Jace!

Jason: I uhh...

Piper: What did you do?!

Lightning: You don't wanna know~


Jason: I... just came in to grab the frisbee! I didn't know you would be in there! But I have to say, you sang Senorita really well!

Piper: Wait...whaa.....? Oh, oh no you didn't!

Jason: I'm sorry! Percy threw the frisbee too far!

Percy: Dude! It's not my fault that you have slower reflexes!

Piper: It flew into the girls bathroom!!!?????? OH WHEN WE GET OUT OF HERE I AM GOING TO TEAR YOU APART, I SWEAR!

Lightning: Oh god. 0.0

Dragon: Piper sings in the shower?! *snickers* Lovely.

Piper: Agh!

Nico: I lied to Will once and I'm not gonna hide it. He told me to spend the whole day outside the cabin. I told him I would, but when the Aphrodite cabin ran towards it with buckets of pink paint... I couldn't bear to leave it again.

Dragon: I agree. Pink is an atrocious color, though I prefer purple and blue to black. Well, anyways, anyone else?

Lightning: Yeah, purple's much better. So who else has a boyfriend/girlfriend they lied to?

Dragon: Hazel? Frank?

Frank: Well, I-

Hazel: Frank? I thought...

Lightning: Eh. You'd be surprised.

Frank: Um... well I was gonna say that I didn't!

Lightning: See! I told you!

Hazel: Oh. *awkward silence*

Dragon: Weeeeell...let's just wrap this up for now, shall we? So byeeee!

Lightning: Laters!

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