Chapter 20

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Lightning: Hey guys! It's finally time... FOR PRANK WARS! YAY! Finally! Some excitement! *Gets Popcorn*

Dragon: Yay! Okay, let's get started. I don't really know how this is going to work, so Lightning, explain.

Lightning: YES! I'M THE QUEEN OF PRANK WARS! AND STUNTS TOO! So, first things first! Teams! We'll keep it simple! girls vs boys! So who's ready? *Grins*

Dragon: You know what? I feel like we should have team captains! AND special guests! Introducing...the Stoll brothers! *teleports Stoll brothers in*

Stoll brothers: *appear* Where are we?

Dragon: In the truth or dare room!

Lightning: About to be the prank war room!

Stoll brothers: YASSSSS!!!!

Connor: *smirks at Dragon* Well, hello gorgeous!

Dragon: Don't.

Connor: Awww!

Travis: She's mine!

Lightning: I can teleport you guys out. This is MY room now. My room. My rules. My war.

Stoll: No!

Leo: Yes!

Dragon: I don't know how many boys I can take right now! But let's get started.

Lightning: Yeah! So teams! Girls on the left and boys on the right! Actually this room is too small. Let's go to my Prank Mansion! *teleports everyone to the Prank Mansion*

Dragon: Well, this will do.

Stoll brothers: AWESOME!!

Players except the Stoll brothers: Neat!

Lightning: *Smirks* I take my pranks seriously. Anyway, rules! So you must tell me every prank you make and only if I approve it you can go on with it. Understood?

Players: Ok.

Dragon: Sure, sure.

Lightning: So you may do any pranks as long as I approve. Oh and Dragon, do you wanna participate? Because I can't so it's fair.

Dragon: Mmmmm........ I am undecided.

Piper: Hahaaaa! Classic Queen Aanya quote!

Dragon: Please don't.

Piper: Fine.

Dragon: Yeah, I'm not gonna. *whispers* We've got to prepare for our next batch of victims, if you know what I mean! *winks at Lightning*

Lightning: *Whispers* Yeah, we do.

Dragon: It's gonna be the best! Anyway, why don't you guys get started while we...prepare!

Connor: *looks at Dragon* Where are you going? Can I come? *smirks*

Travis: She doesn't want you! How about me?

Lightning: Oh god. *Shrugs* I'll go ahead. *Walks Away*

Dragon: First of all, stop looking at me, second of all, none of your business! Third of all, no! And fourth of all, stop smirking! It makes you look more like Draco Malfoy than I care to admit!

Connor: Sheesh!

Lightning: *Walks back in* Oh yeah! Girls' room is 14th floor, 78th door to the left, and Boys' are on the 29th floor, 67th to the right. You can use my elevator or private jet. *Shrugs* Doesn't matter!

Players: Oo!

Dragon: We should invite a few of your...campmates to watch!

Lightning: You know what? Fine. Plenty of room. *Teleports all of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter and explains. Then directs them to the prank watching rooms that have a 100 x 100 feet flat screen T.V.*

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