Chapter 10

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Lightning: Hey guys! Now then! Back to the cliffhanger!

Dragon: Jason, do the truth!

Jason: The thing I'm hiding from Thalia is...

Lightning: It's gonna be weird I just know it!

Jason: ... that I like... Thalia!

Lightning: Told you!

Thalia: WHAT!

Lightning: He doesn't mean as a sister you know!

Dragon: I am going to pretend I didn't hear that, but the serum never lies!

Percy: WHAT!

Jason: Hehe.

Dragon: After effects

Lightning: See the weirdness!

Lightning: But anyway... NEXT!


Lightning: People? Are you back from the shock yet?

Thalia: How were you back so fast?!

Lightning: Eh.

Dragon: Jason, just spin.

Jason: Hehehe *Spins and lands on Dragon*

Dragon: Goody!

Lightning: Knew it! This might be interesting!

Jason: Truth or dare?

Dragon: Hmm... well let's do both!

Lightning: Cool!

Jason: Seriously?

Dragon: Seriously.

Jason: Well, I'm gonna do the truth first. How was the kiss?

Dragon: *chugs down bottle of Veritaserum* I actually quite enjoyed it! *effects wear off*

Leo: R-really?

Dragon: Why not?

Calypso: Hmph!

Jason: So, the dare... I dare you to...

Lightning: I'll take over! Stunt time with no romance!

Dragon: Alright.

Lightning: Actually I changed my mind! I dare you to watch every episode of My Little Pony and Peppa Pig! I know you don't like stunts.

Dragon: Well I watched all of My Little Pony already. And I watched almost all of the Peppa Pig episodes. Don't ask. My best friend's sister is a nightmare!

Lightning: Mhm, sure. Anyway, who's next?

Luke: Me! *spins bottle and lands on Percy* Well, well! My girlfriend's ex-boyfriend!

Jason: Percy, dude, run!

Dragon: I don't know where he's supposed to run, but okay!

Luke: *menacingly* Truth or dare?

Percy: Truth.

Lightning: No! The stunts!

Dragon: *drips a few drop of truth potion into Percy's mouth* Well, ask away, Luke!

Lightning: Yeah!

Luke: Who do you like more? Thalia or Annabeth?

Lightning: Knew you would ask that! *Sigh* Why are you guys so hung up on that?

Dragon: I mean, like it's super obvious!

Percy: I-uh-like Annabeth more!

Luke: How dare you! I thought you guys broke up!

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