Chapter 17

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Lightning: Hey! Who's ready to play Never Have I Ever!

Dragon: Mee!!

Players: *silence*

Dragon: Well I'll take that as a yes! So let's get started!

Lightning: I'll ask you guys! Hmm. Never have you ever... been in love with a character from a book or movie, basically an imaginary character or a celebrity would work.

Dragon: Yeah.

Lightning: Snape and Leo right?

Dragon: Not Leo. But yes, Snape. You'll be surprised how many people have a crush on him.

Percy: Um... I don't know?

Lightning: One, you don't read books, Two, most of you have ADHD!

Percy: Well...


Percy: I was going to say I hadn't...

Annabeth: Oh. *Blushes in Embarrassment*

Lightning: Next Annabeth!

Annabeth: Well...there is the world's best architect. Frank Lloyd Wright.

Percy: I'm seriously not really gonna be offended by that cause I'm used to it.

Dragon: How about you, Leo?

Leo: Are you an imaginary character? Or a celebrity?

Dragon: Hmmm...let me see...well I guess I am from a book, since this is a book, so yeah I guess! Frank?

Lightning: That doesn't make you a- Never mind.

Frank: I'm being smart here and saying Hazel because we're all basically from a book!

Dragon: Ahh! Good point! But suppose you're not.

Frank: Well, I do like BTS...


Lightning: *Snickers*

Frank: *hands Hazel an Ipod* Listen.

Hazel: *listens to BTS* Not convinced!

Dragon: Ook... how about Luke?

Luke: No one. *Blushes slightly*

Dragon: Tell us. We know you're lying.

Luke: Fine, well, Demi Lovato

Dragon: *cups hands over mouth* Oh. Em. Geee!!!!!!!!!!

Luke: Don't you dare!

Dragon: Hehe! I won't! Well, Thalia?

Thalia: The Hunters have kept me busy, I don't have time for that sort of thing.

Lightning: Expected that.

Dragon: Sad.

Lightning: Who's next?

Dragon: NICO!

Nico: No! What the he-

Dragon: Stop. Jason?

Jason: Well, yeah. It's that dark magic girl from The Dragon Prince.

Dragon: Ohmagosh you watch that show!?

Lightning: You do!?

Jason: Yeah.

Dragon: You mean Claudia right? The one with the purple hair tips?

Jason: Yeah I suppose so. You got a problem?

Dragon: *tries to contain laughter* N-no, but I t-think your girlfriend d-does!

Lightning: *Snickers*


Jason: Well, ahh...

Dragon: How 'bout you, Piper?

Piper: Now that I know Jason's I think it's safe to say that I have one from the same show!

Dragon: Oooo! Who?

Piper: You know, I really like that Aaravos guy! Even though he burned the queen of the Sunfire elves and stuff.

Dragon: Nice! I like him too, as a character, I mean! Soo... Cal, you like anyone?!

Calypso: Yes! As a matter of fact! And don't call me Cal!

Dragon: Sure, Cal. Anyway, who, might I ask?

Calypso: Saying as you are with Leo now-

Dragon: I am not with Leo. He likes me, yes, but I like Snape, so it's sorta like a love triangle.

Calypso: Anyway, my celebrity crush is Daniel Radcliffe.

Lightning: I saw that coming.

Dragon: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! The same Daniel Radcliffe that played Harry Potter?!

Calypso: Yes. Is he your favorite actor or something?

Dragon: No, my favorite actor is Alan Rickman! So Rachel, Grover, and Juniper, who are yours?

Juniper and Grover: We're perfectly happy with each other, thank you very much!

Dragon: Okay, okay! Rachel?

Rachel: Well, I don't exactly, but I like the Jonas Brothers.

Dragon: Nice! And last of all, Lightning!

Lightning: Well yeah I do.

Dragon: Who, who, who, whooo?!

Lightning: Well, I have a couple. But you don't know any of them. Plus I ship most of them with other people.

Dragon: Say them anyway!

Lightning: Nope. Anyway, next question.

Dragon: Wahhhh! Well...we honestly don't have any questions so we'll think of them and continue next time. BYEEE!!!

Lightning: Bye!

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