2: "Can I Pick?"

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Newt did something really bad today. And Tina is having none of it.

What did he do, exactly? Well...

"Newt, why in the name of Deliverance Dane would you let that niffler lose around the apartment?" Tina asked, exasperated, hands on her hips as she glared at Newt who was trying to hide in thin air.

They were standing in the messy living room of the Goldstein sisters' apartment on a nice sunny afternoon. Tina got half the day off that day, and she decided to go home and surprise Newt. But when she got home, she was the one surprised. When she finally reached the door to their apartment (after dodging Mrs. Esposito's daily questions), she heard trashing and crashing on the other side. And when she opened the door, she was met with a trashed apartment and her boyfriend lying on his stomach with his arm right under the couch.

He was struggling to grab something from beneath the couch. When he pulled his arm out again, she saw the niffler with a piece of jewelry that seemed to be one of Queenie's earrings.

That's when Newt looked up and finally noticed her, face pale and heart at his throat. "Oh, uhm...welcome home, Tina."

Tina shot daggers at him and the niffler. The little black creature, noticing that it was a really bad time, dropped the earring and dashed back into Newt's open case. That left Newt on the floor, enduring the glares and rants that his girlfriend suddenly gave him.

And that's how it all happened.

"Well?" Tina hissed, now crossing her arms.

Newt sighed. Well, no turning back now, he thought. "I..." he started but suddenly stopped when he met Tina's glare—a really terrifying one, too. Newt looked down. He could feel Tina still glaring at him expectantly. He sighed again. "Tina, I can't explain if you keep glaring at me like that..." he whispered.

He looked up and saw Tina's features soften. She gave him an apologetic (not really, he knew) smile. "Sorry," she sighed. Newt nodded and inhaled deeply. Here it goes...

Newt dove into his explanation. "I was tending to my creatures and I forgot to close the lid of the case and the door of the shed. The niffler must've seen it and ran out. Once I realized, I chased him around the flat until you suddenly arrived." He ducked his head and closed his eyes, ready to endure whatever punishment Tina would be giving him.

But nothing came except for giggles.

He looked up and saw her giggling behind her hand. Her shoulders were shaking and she had her other hand clutching her stomach. He raised an eyebrow, confused. Was she not mad at him? Usually, she would, but now? He doesn't know.

He tentatively raised a hand as he approached Tina with caution as if she's a wild creature ready to strike at any moment. "Uhm...T-Tina? Are you alright?" He asked as he got nearer to Tina.

Tina giggled and giggled until those giggles turn into laughs. Both of her hands flew to her stomach as she did so. Newt, not able to control it, joined in, laughing nervously until he found the urge to laugh freely along with her. They laughed for a while until they couldn't breathe.

As the laughter died down, Tina shook her head as she looked at him, smiling. "Y'know, right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge," she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Newt sighed in relief. He wrapped his arms around her small waist and pulled her closer to him and tipped their foreheads together. "Can I pick?"

Tina titled her head contemplatively. "Hmm..." she hummed thoughtfully. "What do you want?" She asked, smirking as she leaned in closer until their lips were just a breath away.

Newt smiled and leaned in, pressing their lips together. Sparks flew as their lips moved in sync. Tina nibbled at Newt's bottom lip and giggled when she heard him growl and pull her closer. Newt's tongue darted out and traced Tina's bottom lip. Her lips parted and Newt's tongue entered. Before this can turn into anything, Tina pulled away, smirking. Newt whined at the back of his throat and followed forward.

Tina shook her head as she giggled, placing a hand on his chest and gently pushing him back. Newt pouted at this and Tina laughed again.

"Personally, I choose the second option in which I get to shove you off a bridge," she joked as she wriggled out of his arms and walked to the kitchen. Newt followed behind her.

When Tina was preparing coffee the No-Maj way, Newt came up from behind and hugged her, pressing her back against his chest. He placed his head on her shoulder and whispered in her ear, "You wouldn't do that."

He saw a smirk on her lips. "And why wouldn't I, Mr. Scamander?" she asked.

Newt smiled and kissed her cheek. "Because you love me too much to shove me off a bridge," he mumbled into her cheek.

Tina turned around in his arms to face him. She smiled. "Hmm...maybe you're right," she giggled as her arms slid their way up his chest and around his neck. "You're just too cute when you're scared!" she teased and Newt blushed.

"I–I am not!" He stuttered. Tina just laughed. She patted him on the cheek.

"Yeah, sure." She rolled her eye good-naturedly. She turned back around to continue making her coffee when she added, "Oh, and you'll be the one cleaning and fixing everything in the apartment before Queenie arrives."

Newt groaned and buried his head into her neck. So much for getting away with it.

[Edited and Re-uploaded: July 20, 2020]

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