33: Sing For Me

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Newt yawned as he wrote down one last sentence for his manuscript for the second edition of his book. Setting the quill down, Newt stretched his arms over his head. He took one quick glance over to the clock on the wall of his bedroom to see the time. 5:48.

Merlin, have I been working for three hours now? He looked at his cluttered desk and sighed. He's finally done some decent progress on the second edition of his book. He didn't really expect that one day he'd have to do another edition for it. Merlin, he didn't expect that his book would be that successful, really. But here he is, in his bedroom, writing yet another manuscript for his second edition.

Usually, Newt opted to work downstairs in his basement, near his creatures. Today, though, he was struck with a horrible case writer's block and couldn't even write a single word--not even with his creatures around. Tina, the beautiful angel that she is, suggested that maybe a change of scenery will help. And indeed, it did.

Tina, the name lingered in Newt's head. A smile graced his lips at the thought of the American woman. Her dark brown hair, her beautiful smile, and her eyes. Oh, her eyes! Those dark pools that always reminded him of salamanders.

"It's like fire in water--dark water...and I've only ever seen that in--"


Newt's heart skipped a beat at the memory of two months ago. It was such a tender moment that finally reassured Newt in the slightest. Tina actually understood what he was trying to say--even finished his sentence for him! And it was at that moment Newt knew that he loved her. And thankfully, she did too.

"Hmm," Newt hummed as he gathered up all his notes and sketches. "I wonder where Tina is."

After cleaning his desk, Newt left his bedroom and descended down the stairs to find Tina. As he walked down, soft singing reached his ears. He stopped for a moment to listen.

The voice was soft, tender, and feminine. It also sounded very familiar to Newt. He listened for a few moments.

Lavender's blue, dilly dilly

Lavender's green

When I am king, dilly dilly

You shall be queen

A lullaby? Newt thought. Who could be singing a lullaby? It couldn't be Bunty, no. Newt knew that Bunty doesn't sing. So, who was it? Newt thought of others who were staying in his flat. It couldn't be Jacob, definitely--the voice a feminine. Nagini? Nagini was in the living room, looking through a picture book that Newt had given her three days ago.

Could it be...?

Curious, Newt quickly walked down the stairs to his basement. The voice grew louder as he neared the basement floor. When he got there, a sight so sweet greeted him.

Standing by the niffler's cage, Tina was smiling softly at something bundled up in her arms. Observing more closely, Newt realized that she was cradling four baby nifflers. The older niffler sat by her feet, looking up at her as she swayed gently and lovingly stroking each baby niffler's furry head.

Some to make hay, dilly dilly,

Some to cut corn.

While you and I, dilly dilly,

Keep ourselves warm.

Newt smiled at the sight. Tina looked so peaceful as she sang to the now sleepy baby nifflers. Even his niffler looked sleepy. He silently approached them, stopping only a few steps away to lean against his desk and watch without their notice.

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