36: Caught You

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Newt sighed as he walked out Dumbledore's office with the others. They had just finished discussing on what their next move against Grindelwald should be after the events in Paris. Now, they were heading to the Great Hall for some food. Everyone needed that.

It was a long discussion for Newt. Arguments were thrown here and there, and Travers kept on shouting. No one bothered to touch their cups of tea because eventually, they were all roped into the talk. Theseus and Jacob had angrily joined in at the mention of their lost lovers. Dumbledore tried to calm the situation down to no avail. Nagini, the Maledictus, sat quietly and nervously at one corner of the room. And Tina...

Tina had walked out the moment Queenie was mentioned. As soon as her sister's name came out of Travers's mouth (followed by a long accusation and insults), the American Auror stormed out of the room.

Newt worried for her. Where could she be? Hogwarts Castle is rather large and she wasn't familiar with this place. She could get lost! She could be anywhere at this point.

Slowing down, Newt excused himself from the group, receiving a suspicious stare from his brother.

"Where are you going, Newt?" Theseus asked as Newt was about to turn back and look for Tina.

"I-I need to find s-something," Newt stuttered. "I think I...forgot something back in Dumbledore's office.."

Theseus stared at him, eyes narrowed and a brow raised. Newt knew that look. It was the same look he always gave him whenever he felt that Newt was lying about something.

On the other hand, Dumbledore gave him a knowing smile." Of course, Newt," he said, nodding. "Go ahead. We'll be at the Great Hall if you decide to join us for lunch."

Newt nodded, flashing his old teacher a shy, grateful smile and went to look for Tina.


Newt didn't know how long he had been wandering around the castle. After leaving the group, Newt headed to the library. He knew Tina liked to read and maybe she'd be there. Once he arrived there, he asked the librarian, an old woman with graying hair, if she had seen a woman dressed in a long, bluish cloak enter at some point.


Newt then went to the Owlery. Why he thought of that place, he didn't know. But Tina wasn't there either. He also checked the empty classrooms, hallways, and even the greenhouses, but still no sign of Tina. Newt's worry kept growing and growing.

"Where is she..?" Newt muttered to himself as he walked past the greenhouses. As he was deep in thought on where else Tina could be, his niffler—which he absolutely forgot was still in one of his coat pockets—suddenly jumped out of its pocket and ran away.

Newt nearly toppled over in surprise but managed to get his footing and ran after it. "Hey!" he shouted after it. "Come back here, you little...!"

He chased it to a tall tree that stood near the large lake. Upon reaching it, Newt noticed that it was trying to climb the tree—or, at least, it seemed to be. Newt sighed and picked up the creature. He held it in front of him at eye level.

"Don't you run away like that again!" Newt scolded. "You'll get into trouble if anyone sees you!"

The niffler pouted, making Newt chuckle. Oh Merlin, Newt thought, how can I ever stay angry at a creature this adorable?

Then, the niffler looked up then back at Newt. He began waving its paws and seemed to be pointing at something. Newt stared at it, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"What are you..." Newt trailed off before looking up to whatever his creature was pointing at. "Oh.."

High up the tree, on a large branch was Tina. She was leaning against the tree, asleep. Her coat was draped on a nearby branch.

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