43: Watch Each Other's Six

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It was all happening so fast.

One minute, there was only silence. The next, there were spells, hexes, and curses being thrown everywhere. Flashes of green, red, blue, and many other colors almost blinded Tina's eyesight. Bodies flew and were thrashed about all around her, and debris falling from the ceiling of the castle narrowly missed her as she ran across the bridge, away from her opponent.

The acolyte threw another curse at her that missed her by a mere inch, just by her ear. Good thing, I've got good reflexes, she chuckled darkly.

She reached a dead end. Tina mentally cursed. She had no other choice but to face him now. Gripping her wan tightly, Tina swiftly turned around and yelled, "Incarcerous!" The spell flew from the tip of her wand but the man managed to block it.

Tina gritted her teeth. She threw another spell towards the acolyte, which he successfully blocked. Then, in retaliation, he cast a curse. "Sectumsempra!" he shouted. Fortunately, Tina managed to block it, and threw a jinx at him, leading both of them to a duel. Spells, hexes, and curses were thrown back and forth, both sides not getting even one single hit on the other.

But then, when her opponent was about cast another spell, a voice from behind him cried out, "Heads up!" followed by "Flipendo!"

The acolyte was then thrown forwards towards Tina, who quickly dodged the man, letting him hit the rubble behind her face-first with a very audible thud! The man fell to the floor, unconscious. Tina laughed at her now unconscious opponent before looking at her savior.

"Thanks," she panted, smiling at Newt. She was about to approach him when she saw another acolyte running towards him from behind, wand up and a curse probably ready on his lips. "Look out!" she exclaimed. She reflexively raised her wand and stunned the acolyte, just as Newt turned around to see.

Newt let out a relieved sigh, staring at the stunned acolyte on the floor a few feet from him. He turned to Tina, giving her an approving and proud nod. "Thanks," he said, grinning lopsidedly.

The two walked towards each, meeting halfway. Tina smirked, crossing her arms. "Great job, Mr. Scamander," she teased.

"All in a day's work, my lady," Newt replied in a playful posh accent, offering her a slight bow. Tina chuckled at her boyfriend's antics.

"Oh, you," she giggled. "C'mere." She grabbed him by the collar and leaned in to kiss him, when, in the corners of their eyes, they saw a blinding green light flying towards them from the havoc below. In an instant, they both faced the incoming curse and blocked it, their wand arms moving in a flash.

Tina spotted the caster from her spot upon the bridge. She raised her wand to hex the woman to oblivion when Theseus, who was dueling below, beat her to it and blasted the woman (possibly ending her life, too, in the process). Theseus then looked up to where she and Newt were standing and gave them a prompt nod before focusing on fighting off the remaining followers.

"Now," said Newt, wrapping his arms around her waist, "where were we?"

"Hmm, I think we're right about here," Tina replied before pressing her lips to his.

As the two of them kissed, the fighting around them seemed to disappear, leaving just the two of them in their own world...

...until they were hauled back to reality by none other than Theseus. "Oi, lovebirds!" he shouted at them.

Newt and Tina broke away from each other to look at Theseus, who was glaring at them.

"Less snogging, more searching!" scolded Theseus. "Grindelwald could escape at any moment! Travers and the others are following him now!" And with that, he ran off, leaving Newt and Tina.

Newt's entire face had gone beetroot. "Uhm...should we...I mean—Theseus, he—"

Tina rolled her eyes and pecked his cheek. "C'mon," she whispered, "let's go kick some lunatic's ass." She interlaced her fingers with his and pulled him along, following Theseus to wherever he went.

A/N: Inspired by that final battle scene from How to Train Your Dragon: Hidden World  where Astrid and Hiccup helped each other defeat Grimmel's men. Title from a score from the Avengers: Endgame soundtrack

[Edited and Re-uploaded: August 7, 2020]

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