25: "I'm Having Cola"

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It was a peaceful afternoon in the Scamander household. Tina was in the kitchen, preparing a simple snack for her and her boyfriend Newt, when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. Giggling, Tina already knew who it was by the fresh scent of plants and dirt.

"What'cha making, love?" Newt whispered into her ear. He placed his chin gently on her left shoulder.

"Sandwiches," Tina replied with a smile, looking at Newt and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.

Newt hummed in delight. "Well, that does look delicious," he commented with a grin. "Your sandwiches are always the best, y'know."

Tina giggled. "Oh, I do. You know how I love my sandwiches."

Newt nodded and watched her prepare another sandwich. "Hmm, yes. Indeed, I do." He buried his nose in her hair and breathed in her scent.

Tina finished making the sandwich and placed it on a plate along with the other one she made earlier. She turned around in Newt's arms to face him, draping her arms around his shoulders. Smiling softly, Tina leaned forward and brushed her nose against his affectionately.

Newt sighed happily. "I love you," he whispered, staring deep into her brown eyes.

Tina beamed. "I love you, too, darling," she whispered in reply. Slowly, the pair began leaning towards each other, lips growing closer, inches apart.


"And I love you, cola," another voice chimed in--along with the sound of someone opening a soda can--perfectly ruining the moment between Newt and Tina. Annoyed, the two turned to the person who had just ruined their moment.

There, standing by the opened fridge, was Newt's older brother, Theseus Scamander. He had a teasing smirk plastered on his face that annoyed Newt so much that he wanted nothing more than to punch it off his older brother's face. Tina, on the other hand, though annoyed, found what he just said rather amusing.

Theseus stood there, one hand holding the fridge door open and the other holding a can of soda. Noticing the glares he's receiving from the two, he asked, "What?" He took a sip from his can.

"We're having a moment," Newt quipped.

"And I'm having a cola," Theseus stated blandly. He turned around and walked away. "Don't mind me! Go on and continue your moment, little brother," he said over his shoulder.

Newt sighed and looked back at Tina who was giggling and his and Theseus's antics. "Oh, hush you," Newt laughed and finally pressed his lips to Tina's. Tina was more than happy to reciprocate the gesture.

[Edited and Re-uploaded: July 21, 2020]

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