24: Fever

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Newt looked up from the book he was reading upon hearing the front door of his and Tina's flat close with a loud slam. Placing his book on the coffee table, he stood up to see who has arrived.

He was about to call out to the person when he heard a soft sneeze. There, by the door, stood Tina, covered in snow. She was wiping her nose with a handkerchief. Newt smiled, though he was confused because she came home earlier than usual. He took a glance at the clock by the window.

She was home an entire hour earlier than usual.

"Welcome home, love," Newt greeted as he walked over to her.

Tina gave him a soft smile. "Hello, New-achoo!" she suddenly sneezed. Newt chuckled at how cute her sneeze sounded.

"Okay, let me help you out of your coat," Newt told her. He went behind her and helped her out of her coat. He placed her coat on the coat rack by the door. When Newt turned back to ask Tina about her day, he was met with a weight falling into his arms.

"Tina?" Newt asked the woman in his arms. "Are...are you alright?" Tina just groaned and nodded. "Well, can you stand?"

Tina pushed herself from his arms and tried to stand, only to wobble and fall back into his arms.

Nope, she is definitely not alright, Newt thought. He placed an arm around her shoulders and guided her towards the sitting room. He sat her down on the sofa near the fireplace and then crouched down in front of her.

"Love, are you really fine?" he asked again.

Tina had her eyes closed and her head tossed back, just like whenever she had one her headaches. In response to Newt's question, she just groaned. Newt took as a "Yes, Newt. I'm totally fine."

Newt didn't believe her, though. From her state right now, he believes she far from fine. Standing up, he leaned over her and cupped her chin gently. He turned her head from side to side to examine her appearance.

She looks rather pale..he thought. "I wonder..." he muttered under his breath. Without a word, he leaned closer to Tina's face and gently pressed his forehead against hers. He felt Tina stiffen upon contact.

"Wha-Newt! What are you-?" Tina gasped, completely surprised by Newt's actions. Newt cut her question off by placing his index finger on her lips.

"Shh.." Newt stayed that way for a few seconds before pulling away. He straightened up and smiled at Tina who was blushing furiously.

"Newt, what was that for?" Tina asked with an accusing glare.

Newt ignored her question and just shook his head. "Just as I thought," he said, crossing his arms. "You're down with a fever."

Tina groaned and averted her eyes from Newt's, her cheeks still red. "No, I'm not.." she denied.

"Yes, you are, love. Is that why they sent you back early?"

Tina was silent for a while. Newt chuckled at how cute she looked: still blushing and was pouting. After a few seconds of silence, Tina nodded tiredly. Newt sighed.

"I told you to bring a thicker scarf," he chided.

"It wasn't that cold!" Tina protested. Newt just shook his head.

"Still, is it not better to be safe than sorry?" he asked. Tina sighed and nodded. "And did I not tell you to not overwork yourself?" Tina nodded again.

"You know I had no choice..." Tina mumbled. "Most of the Aurors didn't come so I had no choice but to do their paperwork for them!"

"I know, but you have to know your limits. You need to rest as well, you know," Newt explained.


"No buts, darling. You aren't going to work tomorrow."

Tina's eyes widened at his decision. She opened her mouth to protest but Newt just stopped her by kissing her on the forehead. The words that were about to leave Tina's mouth disappeared.

"Fine...you're right, Newt...I suppose," Tina sighed, giving into Newt's decision.

Newt smiled, feeling rather proud at himself for finally getting Tina to get off work. It meant he will get to spend the whole day with tomorrow, nursing her back to health.

"Good," Newt said. He pulled out his wand and conjured a blanket. He wrapped the blanket around Tina before pointing his wand towards the fireplace to make the flames bigger.

"Now you go rest here while I prepare you some warm soup, okay?" Tina nodded. Newt then walked to the kitchen to prepare Tina some soup and medicine.

[Edited and Re-uploaded: July 21, 2020]

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