26: Doggy Pile

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"Here you go, Peter. He's fine now," Newt said, handing over a pet carrier to the 10-year old boy across the counter.

The boy's eyes lit up at the sight of the gray carrier. He accepted it with brimming excitement and immediately placed it on the floor of the clinic's waiting area. He opened the door and out came an extremely cute, brown and white Jack Russell Terrier puppy. The puppy excited jumped into Peter's arms, licking the boy's face affectionately.

Newt smiled at the sight.

"Thank you, doctor! Now I can play with him again!" Peter extolled, hugging his puppy. Newt nodded with a laugh.

"You're welcome, Peter. Now," Newt handed the boy a 250mg bottle of metronidazole, "remember to give Spider this twice a day, every day, alright? It will help in improving his condition."

The boy nodded enthusiastically and took the bottle from Newt's hand. He pocketed the bottle before placing his pet back into the carrier. Closing the door, Peter picked up the carrier and bid the vet goodbye and left the clinic. Newt smiled and waved as the boy left.

Newt was about to return to his office when he heard a crash from inside. It came from the kennels at the back. He rushed inside and saw many of the cages open and his girlfriend, Tina, sitting on the floor with eight puppies piled on top of her.

"Hey!" he heard her crow. "Be careful-oh my god!" He watched as Tina began laughing as many of the puppies began licking her in the face. Newt smiled and chuckled at the event.

Tina saw him standing by the door and shot him a playful glare. "Newt! Mind helping me here?"

Newt chuckled and shook his head, leaning against the door frame. "Hmm, maybe later. I rather like what I'm seeing right now," he teased.


"Alright, I'm coming." Newt pushed himself from the door frame and walked over to the pile of puppies that was practically burying Tina alive underneath. Pulling out a small bag of treats, he whistled loudly to get the attention of all the puppies. Eight pairs of wide, excited eyes stared at him for a moment before the puppies rushed over to him, barking and yapping excitedly. Tina could finally stand.

"Okay, does anybody want a treat?" Newt asked with a wide grin, shaking he bag of treats in the air. The puppies barked excitedly in reply. Chuckling, Newt opened the bag and tossed a treat to each puppy, one by one. The puppies each caught one and barked for more.

Newt shook his head at that. "No, no. One treat for each of you," he told them. The puppies seemed to pout and whine as if they understood him. His heart began to melt at the sight of literal puppy eyes looking at him. He heard Tina giggle in the background.

"Oh, alright," he consented, giving in to the puppy eyes. He looked at Tina and the two came to a silent agreement.

Tina stooped down and picked up one puppy in each arm. Newt accompanied her to cages and placed the puppies in their respective cage. After placing one puppy in one cage, Newt gave it a treat and a pat on the head before securely locking the cage door. They did the same to the remaining six until all of them were back in their cages.

"Well, that was fun," Tina laughed as Newt locked the last cage. Newt chuckled and shook his head. He went to Tina and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Hmm, indeed," he said, kissing Tina's forehead. When he pulled back, Tina had a scowl on her face. He raised a brow.

"I'm covered in puppy saliva, and yet you still kissed me," she stated.

Newt laughed. "I'm a vet, love. I'm already used to it."

Tina rolled her eyes and leaned in for a kiss but was interrupted by a soft bark. The pair looked down and saw a white border collie puppy staring up at them with wide eyes, tail wagging, and tongue sticking out cutely. Tina chuckled and crouched down to pick up the puppy.

"Dougal! There you are," she gasped as she cradled the puppy in her arms. The puppy barked and licked Tina's right cheek. Tina giggled and scratched Dougal's head sweetly. "I've been looking for you all over!"

Newt smiled. "Well, he does have this tendency to 'go invisible' at times, the little tyke."

Dougal just yapped happily and licked Newt as well, causing Tina to laugh and Newt to squeal in surprise.

[Edited and Re-uploaded: July 21, 2020]

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