30: Fire Salamander

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"Newt, look!" Tina shouted. Her husband came to her side quickly.

"What is it, love?" Newt asked urgently. His wife pointed at something slithering through the grass by the lake they were resting by. They both looked closer until something jumped out and onto them.

A small, lizard-like creature landed on Tina's lap. It was blue and purple, and it had wide, blue eyes. It looked rather cute, with its tongue sticking out.

Newt and Tina stared at it curiously. "Is that...is that a salamander?" Tina asked.

Newt nodded. "Yes," he whispered, holding his palm out to the small creature. The salamander stared at it before hopping onto it. Newt chuckled and lifted it for them to see it closer.

"He's so cute!" Tina gushed, rubbing its head affectionately with a finger. The salamander cooed and snuggled against the touch.

Just then, the salamander sneezed ("They can sneeze?") and suddenly burst into bluish-purple and pinkish flames, causing Newt to toss it away from them. It landed into the water, dousing the flames. The salamander emerged from the water and gave an angry squeak.

"Oh Merlin, sorry!" Newt gasped.

Tina giggled and cupped her hands together, letting the little creature hop in. "You're not just any salamander, aren't you?" she asked. She brandished her wand and murmured a spell to dry the creature up.

Newt chuckled. "Darling, I think we have found a fire salamander. It's also known as the 'Fire Spirit' here in Norway."

Tina hummed and nodded, rubbing the creature affectionately. "And what a cute fire spirit, you are, huh?" Then, she thought for a moment. "I think I'll call you Bruni."

Newt raised an eyebrow. "Bruni?"

"What? It's a cute name for a cute creature like him!"

Newt chuckled and kissed his wife. "Whatever you say, Salamander Eyes."

Tina swatted his chest. "Stop calling me that."

"You love it," Newt shot back teasingly. Tina just rolled her eyes and leaned against him as they watched their newfound friend roll about in the grass before them.

[Edited and Re-uploaded: July 21, 2020]

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