27: Just Say Yes

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"But why do I have to be the one to do that?" Primrose asked her older brother with annoyance. "Can't you do it instead?"

Newt shook his head at his younger sister. "No, Prim. It'll ruin the surprise," he told her.



Primrose groaned. "Fine," she huffed, crossing her arms and sending a glare towards Newt. "But you owe me big time on this."

Newt nodded. "Yes, yes. Now," he pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Let's see if he's finished with the other part of the surprise."

Primrose watched as her brother talked to their older brother Theseus over the phone. She smiled. This is going to be amazing.


This has got to be the best birthday Tina has ever had in her life.

August 18. Today was her 25th birthday. And it couldn't have begun any better than how it had begun that morning.

First, she was woken up by her beloved boyfriend, Newt Scamander, with a sweet kiss and a very delicious breakfast prepared by him. Then, they spent the rest of the morning going to Tina's favorite places around London (she had only been staying there for a month and yet she had managed to get around so quickly). They then had lunch at Bibendum, one of Tina's favorite restaurants. Finally, they were welcomed with a surprise party at The Clubhouse, just for her.

All of her friends were there, from her close friends at work back in New York to her newfound ones like Theseus and Primrose Scamander, Newt's siblings, and Leta Lestrange.

It was all so amazing, much like a dream.

As of the moment, Tina sat at a table with her sister, Queenie, talking about her day. Her attention was then called upon by Primrose, who was standing on the small stage up front.

"Uhm, may I request our birthday girl to please come up on stage?"

Tina looked at Primrose with confusion. The seventeen-year-old girl just smiled at her and beckoned her over.

Upon reaching the stage, she was stopped by Primrose. "Alright, please stay there," the girl requested. Then, a large screen was lowered on the center of the stage, and a familiar song began to play.

Love Story by Taylor Swift, one of her favorite songs when she was younger.

"So," Primrose cleared her throat, "I've heard that this song is one of your favorites, so I'm here to sing it to you while you watch this little present we've prepared for you."

Tina raised a brow. A present? She saw the younger girl gesture to the screen. She turned to look at it and gasped as she saw what was now shown on it.

'To our dearest Porpentina Goldstein. Happy Birthday.'

"A little video for you," Prim said, smiling. "Happy birthday, Tina." And with that, she started to sing the song.

We were both young when I first saw you...

Tina stood there, watching the video play. Pictures of her from her childhood was shown, with the caption 'August 19, 1995. The day this little angel was born.' Tina smiled.

More pictures from her childhood were shown. The picture of her with the newborn Queenie, one of when she first rode her bike without training wheels. Then, there was one picture that showed her with lots of bandages on her arms. Tina blushed upon seeing that. That was the picture her father had taken on the day Tina got into a fight with a few boys who were bullying her sister; she was ten years old.

A message followed the picture:

'To my beloved sister, thank you for always being there for me, no matter what. Thank you for being my best friend, for always looking out for me. You're the best sister I could ever ask for. I love you so much. Happy birthday. Love, Queenie.'

Tina teared up after reading the message. Oh, Queenie, she thought, I love you too.

More pictures came after, from ones taken on her first day of high school to her days in college, at work back in New York, and one in London with her new friends. More messages were shown and it made Tina's heart swell.

But the next batch of pictures were the ones that made her whole being be filled with so much happiness.

Pictures of her and Newt, from the first day they met to their most recent ones. She had expected a message after those pictures but only a short phrase was written:

'Look in front of you.'

And she did, and what she saw surprised her more than ever.

There, coming towards her with the most handsome smile she'd ever seen, was Newt. She then realized the lyrics of the song as Primrose sang in the background.

Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone

I keep waiting for you but you never come

Is this in my head? I don't know what to think

What came next was such a surprise. Neet came forward to her and did as the song had said:

He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said...

Tina gasped, both hands rising to cover her mouth. Holding up a golden ring with his left hand, Newt held up a microphone with the other...

And he began singing just as Primrose stopped.

"Marry me Juliet

You'll never have to be alone

I love you and that's all I really know

I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress

It's a love story baby just say...

Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she stared at her boyfriend. As Newt neared the end of the verse, she nodded excitedly and her reply came in time with the song.


Newt quickly got to his feet upon hearing her. His expression had a mix of surprise and joy. "Really?" he breathed, taking her hands in his.

Tina laughed and nodded. "Yes, you idiot. I do!" she replied. Newt broke into a huge grin. He took the ring and slid it onto her left ring finger before taking her in his arms with a kiss. The crowd erupted into a loud cheer.

They kissed, pouring all the happiness they felt at that very moment, ignoring the cheering around them and letting the song finish on its own.

They broke apart after a few moments and tipped their foreheads together.

"I love you so much, Tina. Happy birthday," he whispered.

"I love you, too, Newt. So much. Thank you," she whispered back and pressed her lips against his once more.

Happy birthday, indeed.

[Edited and Re-uploaded: July 21, 2020]

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