34: Oversized Shirt

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It was a beautiful morning at Dorset. In a humble cottage near the woods, Neet Scamander stood by the kitchen window, admiring the beautiful sunrise while sipping his tea.

Such a beautiful day today, he hummed, maybe a walk or two after tending to the creatures would be nice.

Loud tapping against the window of the living room interrupted Newt's thoughts. Looking away from the window, he saw a tawny owl perched right outside the living room window, carrying the daily paper and some letters.

He placed his cup on the dining table and approached the window. He opened it, letting the owl hop in. After taking the paper and letters, he gave a small treat to the owl before watching it fly away.

Newt closed the window and returned to the dining table. He sat down and began sorting through the post while taking sips from his cup of tea.

"Morning," a voice called out. Newt smiled as he continued sorting through the post, recognizing the voice.

"Good morning, my dear," Newt greeted. He placed the letters down on the table and looked to smile at his wife but froze as soon as he laid eyes on her.

There in front of him, stood Porpentina Esther Goldstein-Scamander, his wife for over two months now, looking very disheveled. Her brown hair was all over the place and she only wore an oversized shirt (which Newt came to realize was his) and black shorts that were barely visible underneath the shirt. She yawned and rubbed one eye sleepily.

If Newt had one word to describe her right now, it would be cute.

"Hi, Newt," Tina said softly, her voice husky from waking up. She stretched languidly in front of Newt and began walking towards the kitchen to make her daily morning coffee.

But before she could even reach the kitchen counter, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her backward, making her lang on Newt's lap.

"Oh!" Tina squeaked as she landed onto Newt. She felt her husband bury his face into her neck.

"Newt? What are you, " she paused to yawn, "what are you doing?"

Newt mumbled something into her neck that she couldn't understand. "Come again?" she asked.

"Cute," her husband whispered into her ear as he placed his chin on her right shoulder. Tina felt her cheeks heat up.

"I...what?" Tina stammered.

Newt chuckled, tightening his arms around her waist. "I said, you look absolutely adorable right now," he said. He looked at her up and down before adding, "Is that my shirt?"

Tina giggled. "Well, you did leave it lying around and I didn't like wearing my nightgown so.."

Newt shook his head fondly. "Hmm, is that the fifth shirt you stole from me this month?"

Tina cocked her head sideways to look at him. Newt's heart jumped at how adorable she looked.

"Really?" she asked, faking a surprised tone. "I don't remember stealing more shirts from you."

"Really now, Mrs. Scamander?"

Tina smirked and raised a challenging brow. "Mhmm."

Newt chuckled at his wife's antics. "Well, if you'll be looking this cute every time you steal one of my shirts then you may keep it."

Tina's eyes widened along with her grin. "Really?"

Newt nodded, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Go ahead, as long as I get to see you like this."

Tina giggled. She leaned in and kissed him soundly on the lips before wiggling out of his arms. Newt groaned and pouted as cutely as he can, in hopes of convincing her to cuddle more with him.

"Oh, just stop it, Newton. As adorable as you think you are right now, it won't work on me," Tina laughed as she waved a hand to summon a mug.

"But why does it work on you when the nifflers do it?" Newt whined, standing up to hug her from behind.

"Because they're cute and you're not."

Newt huffed, offended. "What, you think I'm not cute?"

Tina chuckled, turning around to face him. "You are. Just not today." She gave him a quick peck on the lips before returning to making her morning coffee.

Newt groaned and leaned his head on her shoulder. "Not fair," he muttered.

[Edited and Re-uploaded: August 7, 2020]

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