49: Newt's Letter

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Primrose was walking down the hall to her bedroom when she noticed that the door to her older brother Newt's room was open a fraction. She raised an eyebrow at it, suddenly curious as to why the door was open. In all her years knowing her that brother of hers, Primrose knew that Newt never liked leaving his bedroom door open, especially when he's in his case or doing something in his room that required utmost privacy.

Come to think of it, everything he does requires privacy, Primrose thought.

Curious, Primrose quietly crept over to the door and peeked through the small opening. Inside, she saw Newt sitting at his desk located on the right side of the room. He was hunched over some papers and was writing something. She also saw his bowtruckle Pickett, standing over whatever he was writing. It looked like he was reading it. Can bowtruckles even read?

Okay, so he was writing something. That's nothing to be curious about.

Primrose was about to leave for her room when she heard Newt speak. Quickly, she peeked inside and listened in. Yes, he knows eavesdropping is rude, but when it comes to her brother, she can do what she wants whenever she wants to.

"D'you think she'll like it, Pick?" Primrose heard Newt ask. A few chirping noises responded to his question.

"Really?" Newt asked. Chirping noises. "Alright, then...hand me an envelope, will you, Pick?"

She? That piqued Primrose's interest now. Oh, so her brother's writing to someone now, eh? Someone who just happened to be a girl. And since when did he meet a girl? The last time she saw Newt writing to a girl was back in his Hogwarts days when he and Leta Lestrange were still close.

Okay, I need to know whoever that girl Newt's writing to, she decided.

As quietly as she could, Primrose pushed the door open and entered. She tiptoed into Newt's room, silently creeping towards his back. Over his shoulder, Primrose met Pickett's eyes. She halted and quickly pressed a finger to her lips.

Pickett blinked at her before nodding a second later. He returned to watch Newt write something. Primrose sighed in relief and continued creeping quietly until she stood behind Newt. He didn't seem to notice her because he's so engrossed in whatever he was doing. Smirking, Primrose leaned over his shoulder. On his desk, she saw an envelope. She couldn't see what was written on it because of Newt's hand blocking the way. Underneath it was a letter. It was angled in a way that Primrose saw the signature.



Tina? Primrose wondered, Where have I heard that name before?

Primrose stared at the signature as she recalled to when and where she had heard that name "Tina" before.

Then, she remembered that specific article in the Daily Prophet a few weeks ago—the one that Newt obsessed over breakfast. He wouldn't stop staring at the picture of a woman with short, dark hair, dark eyes, and a fierce gaze towards the camera.


Oh, so that's the girl whose picture Newt carries in his case, Primrose realized, nodding to herself. And that made perfect sense. So that was the "Tina" Newt kept on talking about since he returned from New York.

Then, Primrose had a brilliant idea. Smirking, she leaned to whisper into Newt's ear, "Boo!"

"Ah!" Newt yelped, jumping in his seat. The quill flew out of his hand and he fell off his chair. Primrose laughed as her brother fell ungraciously to the floor into an awkward position she couldn't even begin to describe.

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