35: Nightmares

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He was back there again. In the dark, dreary amphitheater at Père Lachaise Cemetery. He stood a few steps from the stage where a lone man stood.

Gellert Grindelwald.

Grindelwald had his head down. It was eerily silent. Newt gulped and watched the wizard warily in anticipation, his hand gripping tightly at his wand. He waited for a few moments until the wizard in front of him looked up. Grindelwald had a smile-no, a sneer-gracing his lips. A smile so sinister, it sent chills up and down Newt's spine.

Newt ran forward, descending the stairs quickly, his wand pointed at Grindelwald. But, as he neared him, the man disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.


Suddenly, blue flames came bursting out of the ground, surrounding Newt. And then, voices started ringing in his ear.

"Newt," one soft voice called. Newt turned towards its direction and saw Leta, standing a few feet away from him. She was wearing the same magenta dress he last saw her in. Her eyes were watery and her lips were in a frown.

"Newt," Leta called again.

"Leta," Newt breathed. He began running towards her, nearly tripping as he did so. But every step he took towards her made it seem like she was edging farther and farther away from him. "Leta!"

Newt managed to reach her. Holding his hand out, he cried her name once again. Leta raised her hand out, waiting for his. But before Newt can even manage to grasp her hand, the blue flames behind her raged, grew bigger, and began pulling at Leta.

Newt's eyes widened in alarm. "No, no! Leta!" He tried to reach for her hand that remained outstretched towards him but the flames continued to pull her away.

"Why did you let me die, Newt?" Those were the last words she uttered before disintegrating into ashes as the flames devoured her.

"NO!" Newt cried.

"Newt," another one called. Newt glanced around, looking for the source of the voice. "Newt..."

To his right, on the other side of the flames, stood his older brother Theseus. His face harbored a grim expression. His eyes were dark and emotions were barely readable on his face. Worry began to boil in Newt as he sprinted towards him. He only stopped in front of him, as he couldn't get past the raging blue flames.

"Theseus!" Newt shouted.

"Newt..." his brother's voice sounded so soft, broken, hurt. It broke Newt's heart to see him like this. "She's gone..."


"She's gone, Newt!" Theseus cried. "It's all my fault!"

Newt shook his head. "No, Theseus, please! It's not your fault!" he yelled.

"It's all my fault...I killed her..." Theseus muttered over and over. With a shaking hand, he raised his wand and pressed its tip against his temple.

Newt gasped in horror, realizing his brother's intentions. He began battling against the flames, hoping to reach him in time, to no avail. "No!" he cried. "No! THESEUS, PLEASE!"

But it was too late. Newt watched as a bright, green light flashed from his brother's wand, blinding him. Newt fell back, one hand covering his eyes. When he removed it, all he saw was the lifeless body of his brother.

Newt tried to run over to it, but it disappeared in a cloud of black. Newt fell to his knees, fists clenched tightly. Angry tears rolled down his cheeks. "No..."

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