28: A Rather Awkward Meeting

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Leaning back on his chair, Newt Scamander raised his arms and stretched with a tired groan. He glanced at his watch. 5:15 pm.

He's been working for five hours now.

Newt sighed as he stared at his laptop. It's been four hours and he's not even halfway done with the manuscript for his zoology book. And the deadline's near.

"What am I going to do, Dougal?" he asked his white Afghan hound, who was laying on the floor beside his chair. The dog looked at him and only replied a bark. Newt chuckled.

"Yes, maybe I should rest," he murmured. Shaking his head, he saved his file and shut down his laptop. He stood up and look around his rather messy office.

I'll just clean up tomorrow, I suppose, he mused.

Newt exited the room and wandered downstairs to the kitchen, followed by Dougal. He prepared himself some tea and biscuits while his pet went and sat by the window in the sitting room. After he finished preparing his tea, he joined his dog by the window seat.

He sipped his tea as he watched the bustling city of London below his apartment. He watched as cars drove past and people walk here and there.

A few minutes of silence passed until Newt heard Dougal bark excitedly. He watched as his Afghan jumped from its position on the window seat and race towards the door. It began clawing at the dog, whining.

Newt smiled. "You want to go for a walk, Dougal?" he asked. The dog barked, its tail wagging happily. Newt chuckled and nodded. "Alright then. Wait here."

After placing his cup into the sink, Newt grabbed Dougal's leash and his case and blue coat. He joined his dog by the door and attached the leash to its collar. He grabbed his keys and opened the door before he was dragged out by Dougal.

"Dougal!" Newt cried, laughing. "Calm down, boy. Let me at least close the door."

After being literally dragged down the stairs by Dougal, Newt found himself in the park near his apartment. It was a peaceful place, children playing around and people taking walks. It was a clear afternoon and he could hear birds singing.

He found a spot near the lake and sat down. Dougal settled down beside him. The view of the lake was breathtaking. The green surroundings with the sky nearing a sunset, with birds flying overhead. It was a picture-perfect view, one that Newt decided he should sketch.

He looped the leash around his wrist so that he will still have a hold on Dougal in case he ran away. Opening his case, he pulled out a few pencils and his sketchbook and began drawing his surroundings. Smiling, Newt felt at peace after a hectic week of reviewing and revising his notes for his manuscript.

It would not last for long, though, for he felt a strong tug on the leash looped around his wrist. He looked up from his sketchbook and saw that Dougal was now chasing a squirrel. He was dragged to his feet as he was pulled by the large dog.

Dougal ran after the squirrel, nearly bumping into people along the way. Newt panted, trying to keep up with his dog without having to be dragged along.

"Dougal!" Newt called. "Dougal, stop!" But the dog didn't listen and continued on chasing the poor squirrel.

Up ahead, a woman was walking while reading a book. She seemed to be unconscious of her surroundings. Newt gasped and he and his dog neared her. He tried to stop but Dougal was much stronger and continued to drag him.

"Dougal! Dougal, stop!"

The woman in front looked up from her book and gasped. They were nearing her now, fast. Newt couldn't stop and bumped into her. The woman stumbled and almost fell back if not for Dougal. The squirrel ran around them. Dougal, of course, chased after it, causing the leash to wrap around Newt's and the woman's legs, pulling them closer to each other.

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