Chapter One

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(credits to art will be in photos or listed as not mine if creator is unknown. I'm an artist but my art sucks uwu)

Izuku POV* (5 years old)

Me and Kacchan were not that close but he was amazing. He would definitely be the next greatest hero next to all might. I wanted to be just like him.

But I guess life said I wouldn't be lucky at all that day.

Walking down a trail with Kacchan and his friends we chanted like we always did. He slipped and fell into the river down below. I knew he'd be alright knowing how strong and tough he was, but I wanted to make sure myself.

Sliding down the side of the hill I ran over to him.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt Kacchan?" I asked holding out my hand. He smacked it away and said he was fine angrily. Climbing back up we continued our path.

Getting lost in my thoughts of the cool future we would have together a shadow lurked over us.

"Members of agency, Ba-ku-gou- WHAT THE?!" they all stopped and turn around to look behind me. I turn nearly peed myself it was so scary.

A purple looking man with blue flames on his hands and a blonde girl with space buns. They did NOT look friendly. I turned around to run away and saw that my friends were already far away. I tried to catch up but the fire guy grabbed the hood on my top, lifting me up in the air until we were eye level to each other.

"Well look who we have here. That quirkless kid master wanted." He said as the other girl smiled jumping up and down.

"W-what-? L-lemme go!" I cried trying to reach the ground. Slipping out of my hoodie I attempted to run off but the girl caught me.

Hugging me to tightly I started to panic. 'They won't let me go! Someone... anyone,-'

"Help me!!" I cried trying to put myself away from the girl.

"Awh, Dabi he's so cute! No wonder master wants to mess with him!" She said and before I could struggle anymore the guy shoved a cloth in my face, the fumes so strong, and I passed out.

Little did I know this'd be the last day for a long time I'd get to be outside and in the open. And human...

-462 words-

Incase you were wondering, Dabi and Toga would be a little older then Izuku in reality, but in this fanfic they are 14 and 13. And spoiler or not because it isn't proven, Dabi isn't related to the Todoroki's. I don't want to spoil the story by over explaining everything so ye. Hope you enjoyed!

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