Chapter 9

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??? POV*

"They took my son."


"Ten years of work gone to waste."


"Oh can't it doctor. We have my clone behind bars right now. If you hadn't switched me out with that loser during the battle I would have taken out All Might myself."

"You were injured badly, I saved you before your wounds were beyond repair!" The doctor only wanted the best for his patient.

"...Get my child. Locate where he is and bring him back to me. He almost took down All Might. Reprogram him and get rid of his free mind. He will be unstoppable. He will do what I can no longer do for the time being."

"Sir, are you sure you don't want to wait and do it yourself?-"

"DONT QUESTION ME. Or is there a problem, doc?" he taunted.

"The accessible parts if the chip were removed, sir. I can still locate him but taking him down won't be as easy considering how powerful you made him."

"His power is his own. I simply shared a few if my quirks with him since he is able to retain them all without exploding. Out of all the children I had, you know he's the only one who is like me, and strong enough for so much more. He is weak compared to me. If u can get me to sleep at night, you can knock him out."

"Understood sir. I will get everything ready for the kidnapping."


Aizawa POV*

I'm tired of these tiny humans talking.

"Silence. Today we will be doing hero training in ground beta. (Idk what I'm talking about in terms of the anime but just pretend it's the city area from the training with Bakugou and iida against deku and Uraraka) I expect great things. I know you have your intern training to 'bring out the best version of  you' but I'm here to do general training cause I was told to. Get ready." I said and as they were leaving I told Bakugou that his friend's temporary costume was in the changing room.

Once they all got ready, I was glad to see the costume fit the new kid well. It was just a black t-shirt with holes for his wings and matching black shorts with a hole for his tail, but it was durable for some of his abilities.

"Alright. Do the usual. I'll watch from here. If you can't do these work outs on your own then that's a problem. Training should not just be done when instructed to." I said and they began.

I watched as the students elected the class leaders to get the workout going. Midoriya was able to keep up alarmingly well. He had been training since he was a kid though, and almost took out All Might, so I wasn't surprised at how strong he was.

Just a shame he was treated so poorly. If the students come near him the kid gets startled, and jumps into a defensive mode.

Though the kid started shaking. I walked over to where he was and squated down to him.

"You okay kid?" I asked as he fell over in surprise.

"A-ah, I feel weird..." he said as he started glowing white. "H-h-huh?!" he exclaimed.

"What's going on-" Bakugou interrupted. "Izu-?!"

Midoriya started to glow so bright we had to cover our eyes. He let out a whimper of a cry and held his gut.

"Th-they are gonna find me! I just got back!" he cried as Bakugou hugged him, I sight I'll never get used to for the time being.

"No they won't. We won't let them take you EVER again."

"You don't understand! Even I don't understand but this is their backup tracking method! I don't glow an ordinary light I don't think, because it feels warm! They are probably picking up my heat signature!!" He cried. Most people would say he is paranoid, but seeing this kid went from zero to max by the league, in about ten years, I wouldn't be surprised. It's not a long time, but it's long enough for the rapid production of illegal developments to arrive to the league.

"I guess we gotta cool you down, try and hide you before they pick up on it. I'll get backup ready incase, someone give Momo the blueprints to some cold towel thingy or whatever. Or have Todoroki freeze a blanket I don't know, get creative." I said and left to call for backup.

I will not let a villan steal it hurt my children and my new child.


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