Chapter 14

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(manga chapter 285 killed me and mentally I'm not prepared for what's next).

(And I accidentally closed this tab (wattpad app tab on phone) while trying to find image visuals for u all, so I'm glad nothing deleted or else I woulda quit. I don't get paid enough for this. I don't get paid at all ;-;).

Bakugou POV*

I was returning back to the dorms after visiting Izuku again. I had stopped talking to my friends since I didn't want their pity. I was quick to snap at then and easy to irritate. I could never forgive myself for letting him down. Letting my brother down. Besides All for One, Izuku has no family, and All for One has done terrible things to him, unimaginable things...

With Izuku under the custody of UA school and me and my Mom, he's become a part of all of our lives, closer then every. I missed so many years of my childhood without him and spent every since day thinking about him or about being a hero to save him.

A shame that the time we get him back he's also gone mentally.

"Bakubro/Bakugou" called out the so called "Bakusquad" to me. Irritated I attempted to storm down the hall to my room but a red rock stopped me.

"Hey, you need to stop this." he said as I shot him a glare.

"Yeah dude, and I don't think Midobro would like to see you like this." Pikachu spoke up.

"Well I'm sorry, but you don't know SHIZ about Izuku, so don't use that method on me. Just leave me alone-"

Pinkie then hugged me out of nowhere, socking all of us. She looked up at me with teary eyes, something we've never seen from her unless she's laughing too hard or got hurt. These yes we're, sad, like Izuku when he's upset.

"Bakugou... please, we hate seeing you like this! We're your friends too, maybe never as close as you are too Izuku, but you're a huge part of our lives. Of my life... please just hang out with us so we know you're okay." she finished pulling away as sero comforted her.

"The heck... fine." I grunted and they all hugged me with smiles, Mina wiping away the last of her tears.

We went out to get lunch and shopped at the mall for 2 hours, Mina getting us all matching aesthetic clothes. (image of the outfits below)

She also got a matching pair of outfits in all black and gray, which was odd but I didn't question her crazy brain

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She also got a matching pair of outfits in all black and gray, which was odd but I didn't question her crazy brain.

After comparing who bought the best stuff, which it was obviously me even though they said I was boring, we headed out. Returning at the dorms they thanked me as I threw them a side wave without looking at them behind me.

I made it to my dorm and put my stuff away.

Deciding to be helpful again, I made dinner for the class.

... I guess I really needed that day off from being my explosive self. Being me is tiring (~_~;)

They all thanked me and ate their meals, loving it of course.

Walking back to my room after cleaning up I  saw Mina oddly walking towards the living room from the boy's hall? I decided not to question her, again.

She glanced me a smile and I put my hand on her shoulder gently.

"Thanks... all of you." I whispered to her and continued walking.

I could hear her let out a tiny squeal of excitement and run off to tell the others.

It felt... nice. Having friends like them.

Entering my room I saw a bag on my bed, with the two matching outfits Mina bought. "So that's what she was doing..." Opening the note inside, she had written "For you and Midoriya, from he Bakusquad!"

"Heh..." they sure know how to make me smile.

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(there's so many outfits to pick from but this one I saw first, so just imagine the top without text on it and the pants are all black so it's less feminine ig. My fashion is less feminine so I didn't wana say masculine cuz it's not lmao).

I put this in my pile of "to wash" clothes and decided I would hold on to it until Izuku was better.

This time, I will get through the time of his absence correctly. Not just for me or for him, but for my friends, family, and teachers. For everyone that matters to me, even if it's a stranger.

Some would argue how I acted was selfish. Sometimes it's okay to be a little selfish since you matter too. Taking a break or time alone for yourself can be beneficial to everyone. But I did it wrong, and pushed people away rather than except help when I needed it.

When I finally realized how my actions affected others, I figured out that pushing away good people in your life over something temporary is a bad habit. If I pushed my family away every time I lost a game I don't think they'd love me.

So I gotta double think everything I do from now on so I can maintain what I have and accept help so the time between hardship isn't so bad.

881 words

Okay, well, what a strange chapter. I have no idea what I'm writing again LMAO.

I didn't even re read this I just kinda went with the flow, like I have been doing this entire story, and somehow I wrote all that.

Talk about life lessons, idek if what I wrote makes sense. That came outta nowhere (●__●)

Anyways sorry for mah slow updating, I hate chemistry, I love Bakugou, and have a nice day!

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