Chapter Three

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Izuku POV*

I was jumping off of pro after pro, kinging back hard enough that they stayed down, but gently enough so they could get back up and fight back.

I worked for the villans yes, but was it really my choice? Heck no! I wanted to try my best and help out the heroes.

I finally found All for One and stood beside him, my wings tucked in around me.

"There you are my lovely project. Time to test you. Protect me." He demanded and I jumped infront of him, wings spreading out and tail stiffened to seem more threatening.

My vision shifted so I could see only "threats" or "hero targets." The villans were programed to show up red and the heroes blue. Some villans I hadn't recognized were showing up blue so I would have to be careful and monitor the blue figures that fought each other.

A loud crash sound came from my right side and a boy with spikey hair stared right at me.

"Dekuuu!!" He screamed. Only Kacchan calls me that. Kacchan... could it really be?

I wanted to call out to him but with All for One watching I panicked and lunged at Kacchan, only seeing him as a blue figure. He fell down and I pinned him down. Shifting my vision back to normal I nearly cried for the first time in months.

"K-Kacchan..." I said and I jumped off of him. He got up stared down at me and horror and worry so I kicked him to the wall and focused on other heroes.

Bakugou POV*

It's really him. He pounced on me, slamming me to the ground, but I did my best to ignore the pain. I wouldn't fight him if he really was Deku.

His pupils went from slits to normal when he looked at me and it looked like he partially teared up.

"K-Kacchan..." He said, in a small voice. He jumped off and I looked down at him. Everything about him in that moment, his freckles, his hair, his stances, everything but the wings and tail on his back, the horns on his head, and his skin fading to a sharp and claw like black on his feet and hands, screamed Izuku.

In a panic he kicked me against the wall effortlessly, knocking the air out if my gut. But he went to attack other heroes. 'I'll save you Izuku. I have to.'

Crying, I ran over to Aizawa and blasted the villan he was fighting to the ground.

"Thanks kid- wait, what are you doing? You should be reaching the nomu-"

"That's being handled with right now. That kid demon thing is my long lost kidnapped friend and he needs our help." I said calming down and Aizawa looked at Izuku dashing at alarming speed everywhere.

"You sure that's a kid and he's your friend? Because he's gonna be hard to take out." He stated and I nodded. I left to blast the villans that were fighting the heroes Izuku took out and waited for Sensei to save him.

Izuku POV*

I did my best to hide and cover up the incident I just had so I wouldn't get to hurt by them later on but I felt something stronger then I've ever had before. Hope.

Defending All for One, All might jumped in and started attacking him. 'Not All Might... why must I take him out of all people?!' I screamed at myself mentally. Flying forwards, I jumped into the number one hero and pinned him.

"Good boy. Now end him!" Boomed All for One.

"Yes master..." Hesitating, I positioned my thumbs on the center of his back, my black, claw like hands threatening to scratch him up just by the touch. By now I was crying from the guilt.

Thankfully All Might got up and threw me at a wall. Standing back up I ran back at him but was stopped. 'A scarf?'

I turned around and saw pro underground hero Eraserhead.

From what I could tell he could erase quirks temporarily but I didn't have a quirk, I was a mutant. Clawing at the scarf he pulled me closer and a woman came up to me.

I did everything, kicking, spreading my wings, trying to cut myself free with my tail, but nothing was working. 'As long as I struggle it'll be okay-'

"Ahhh!" I cried. They activated the chip and everything throbbed in pain. The lady, pro hero Midnight opened her outfit and activated her quirk. I was so grateful for that, since the pain was unbearable.

Bakugou POV*

I took out as many as I could and went back into the building to check on the others. A finished police team had arrived and was moving the nomus-in-making out. My classmates were helping out still and began looking after injured heroes and cops while more ambulances were on it's way.

"Hey Bakubro, everything alright?" Kirishima asked.

"Does something look wrong to you ya red rock?" I snapped.

Drifting back outside I followed a pained scream and found Izuku in Aizawa's arms as Midnight took him out. 'They got him... They got Izuku!!'

I silently cheered to myself and watched as the pros brought the defeated villans to the police. The bombs must've all been defused since the whole police team was here.

All Might and All for One were Fighting neck and neck but recovered heroes were on standby incase things got to out of hand. I watched as Eraserhead and Midnight took Izuku away from the scene and I followed.

'We did it, Izuku. You're safe now.'

941 words

I hope you are enjoying this! It's my first fanfic on Wattpad that I am publishing so if there are mistakes or something seems rushed or makes no sense, please spare me :,)

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