Chapter 16

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Izuku POV*

I held onto any familiar sensations. I wanted to go home but I still didn't understand why. I wanted to recognize the things and people around me but all I saw where outlines of figures, with an urge to attack.

I don't think I want to attack people though. Something about it feels wrong but my body keeps moving anyways, before I even think. I want to stop attacking them but I think finding home is the only way to do it.

I'm hungry again.

Bakugou POV*

I was on my way to visit Izu again, my friends deciding to tag along to, as well as his crush and that nerd group. I could tell as soon as he look at Uraraka he caught feelings for her (but since this is a no ship story and I don't want the weird shippers to hate on meh I'm not gonna write about their possibly cute moments and probably adorable relationship- I'll stop now.)

We entered the room and saw him curled up in a ball in the corner, behind the glass we looked through.

"Whoaaah, he stopped attacking people?" Denki asked.

"Not quite yet, but deep down we can tell that he's trying to restrain himself. The effort may seem small and little but it's really a big step. He no longer attacks with hostility, but rather, what we guess is a manipulated instinct." the doctor on his shift said.

"When do you think we'll be able to be in the room with him?" Tsuyu asked.

"Well, we actually have people going in and out quite often. Doctors wear clothes that make them practically invisible to him, since Midoriya sees in outlines, not faces. The outfits his tenders wear allow us to safely treat him and feed him." He explained and a nursed walked into the room with another serving if his favorite dish.

"Would you like to feed your friend, sir?" the nurse asked me, holding an outfit.

"Yeah... of course." I said, putting the coat and pants over what I was currently wearing, and grabbing the plate of food.

"Now, whatever you do, don't physically touch him. You may speak though. He will hear you but since he can't see you it just won't make sense, so he assumes the voice is from outside the room. If he somehow managed to touch you, get out of the room immediately. He hasn't done that to any of us yet thankfully. When we treat him there's multiple people in the room to make sure he doesn't get to agressive."

I hated having to treat him like an animal, but I nodded. I went in the room will all my friends on their toes, anxious to see what'd happen. I put the food down infront of him and he look up with a tired yet focused look in his eyes. I could tell he wasn't really there, but I couldn't still try.

"Izuku, I'm here."

Izuku POV*

"Izuku, I'm here."

I remember that voice. It visits often but I never heard it when I got my food. That food had something to do with home though. But I for some reason didn't have the urge to eat it. The voice, it was gruff yet thrilling to hear.

I had a ton of mixed feelings on him. I wish I could see him but there's no outlines in the room again. He's invisible...

I wanted to see a face. I wanted to connect the dots without attacking. Maybe he was really there with me. I stood up and heard a lot of shifting nearby.

I stuck my hand out to feel for anything there. Any life. Maybe I could interact with the person of the voice without attacking them for once..

My hand landed on a warm body. The sensation made me want to cry since I craved for family. Family has people. Family is home.

3rd POV*

The friends of Bakugou and Midoriya were shocked to see the ordeal play out. They all panicked when Midoriya stood up and reached out for Bakugou, but the doctors were kind of hoping this would be a good turn out.

Midoriya's hand reached their classmate's chest, and they all held their breath unintentionally. Waiting for another reaction, the distant look in Midoriya's face was soon filled with tears. He looked both savage and lost.

Bakugou POV*

He started crying and I had no idea what to do. I wasn't allowed to touch him, then again, he reached out to me, and it must have triggered something inside of him.

Without thinking, I went in for a hug. Izuku didn't even move...

3rd POV* (sorry I kept switching my brain power rn is low and in doing school to uwu)

Their hearts skipped a beat when Bakugou reached out to Izuku, but he didn't move.

"How is he not attacking him?" Kirishima asked.

"Could be overstimulation? He probably recognized his voice and the touch may have reminded him of something familiar. He found more things that reminded him of what he is looking for in his trapped mind. I guess he's kind of short circuiting, since it like a warm right now between his subconscious and the mind control." a doctor explained.

The watched as Bakugou held onto him and Izuku gave into the touch. Bakugou began to let go but Izuku just move into him in a daze.

"So you did it? Is he finally not a nomu anymore?" Uraraka asked. The nurse shook her head.

"This is a major step, and it progressed much quicker then expected, but he will still need a ton of rehab. After all, he only responded to the touch, as soon as he sees a regular person he's not gonna hold back all that much."

"That is still improvement though." The doctor added to the nurse. "We will continue to work around the clock until he is all the way healed."

After a bit of work they were able to get Midoriya off of Bakugou.

Midoriya was mentally satisfied and ready to stop himself, not knowing from what or how to even begin.

The nurses and doctors will spend their time destroying the mind control, recording the whole process for future reference.

Midoriya's friends are determined to become better heroes all the while using him as motivation and visiting frequently.

I don't know how to continue this so bear with me :D

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Idk what I'm doing

I'ma just do my math and chemistry work-
Leave suggestions-
I update slow not because I'm busy doing work but because I'm busy reading and watching mha related stuff

I'm watching haikyuu again- well finishing it by rewatching since I gave up halfway through

aight bye luvs uwu

congrats if u read all the way down to here- have a cookie :3 🍪 🍪

1148 words

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