Chapter 12

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(I have a collection of mha characters I'm drawing >:3)

Bakugou POV*

Waking up I noticed I was in the same room we saw Izu dash out of that day. Looking to my side he was tied up with ropes and chained to the wall. Since the room as only meant for one they had me bound to a chair with ropes and duck taped my mouth.

As I took in my surroundings I realized that this was the small, stinky, and terrifying room he had basically grew up in. The cold, rough ground pricked my feet, the soundproof room made every little shift and breath echo, and the dim, flickering light made you feel uneasy.

As Izu stirred awake I saw his expression turn to horror and he turned pale. Tearing up he looked at me and immediately freaked out.

"Nonono! W-what are we doing here?" he said in a broken voice. His wings were clipped like a pet bird's so he couldn't use them to break free. Standing up, he used his tail to cut the ropes on his wrists, but he was still chained and that wasn't possible to cut through. I could tell from the multiple scratches on the cuffs.

"Kacchan..." he gently took the tape off my mouth, leaving behind red irritated skin.

"I'm so sorry... we will get out of here I swear." I assured him.

"...You can't... and believe me once the chip is in there is no escape." he said motioning to our necks. I didn't even pay attention to the stinging pain there, I was so focused on him.

He finished untying me from the chair and I gave him a hug.

"But- there's two of us now we are powerful."

"No... there's only you. I think I know what they are gonna do to me." he said and fell to his knees bawling, the chains rattling and falling besides him.

"What's gonna happen Izu?"

"They now know I'm in control of myself, so they are going to fully wipe me."

"Wipe you?"

"I'll be a human nomu, without a mind if my own. Their wish is my command, and I will do anything to fulfill their request. Even at the expense if my life. That's probably what dad wants."

"But he's behind bars... right?"

"He has multiple quirks, there is no way you can suppress them all, so he prolly communicated with someone? I never know what goes on behind the scenes so I wouldn't be too sure." he explained and I got angry.

Instead of talking sense into him, which I knew wouldn't work since he knows this place better then me, I decided to look for opportunities. I knew being in this room for him crushed his heart, and he had already given up.

The chances of getting out of here in perfect condition, let alone alive, were slim, but never zero. But I'll take the chance for him.

"What ar-are you doing?" he sniffled out as I looked at the cuff on his neck. So I'll need a pic or a key to get this chain off. What about the others-


"Be quiet. I'm thinking." I said and grabbed his wrist.

"If you're tryna get these off you can't you need a key. I tried picking it open with my tail but it didn't work." he said. So they all needed a key.

I look to the attachment plate on the wall.

"Can't we just, rip this out?" I said and observed the metal loop all the chains connected to on it.

"That'll make to muh noise, and I'd still have the chains on, so a stealth escape wouldn't work. You can't fight them when they can control us with the push of a button."

"Well, it's better then you being stuck to a wall. Cover your ears"

Taking advantage of the soundproof room, I blasted the loop.

"K-Kacchan! W-what did you do?! Nonono-"

"I know this is scary for you Izuku but I'm not going to let them manipulate you any longer. We are getting out of here."

I blasted a leg off of the wooden chair they had me on and used the long jagged bit, wedged it between the metal door and the wall as best I could, and slowly pried it open.

"It wasn't locked??!" Izuku scream whispered.

He picked up the chain and stumbled out. We ran down a hallway he said to turn into a room without a door. A boarded up window was all that was in this room besides for a few old file cabinets.

"Unclip my wings, if I fly it'll be f-faster." he said, still shaken and disapproving of this idea. Taking the large clips off I held the chains and he lifted me and flew me down the hall until we slammed into a body.

"Hey, watch where your- oh, looks like you're just in time." the person said, injecting Izu with a syringe full of blue liquid.

"AGHH!" he cried. Blasting the villan to the ground, they just laughed.

"Beat me up you nut. You'll only escape with yourself. Not in once piece though." taunted the villan.

"What the heck did you do to Izuku you b****?!"

"I finished him. Years of work finally put to the test. He is of no use to you now."

Oh no Izu...

900 words above^^

IGHT bois I did it I updated tell me anything give me hate give me advice tell me what u want or ignore this part like I do on stories I read! I'm making up this story as I go and I have no idea what I'm doing each chapter I type but y'all seem to be reading it for whatever reason so I hope you enjoyed!

972 words

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