Chapter 17

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my art^^ character is not mine... all might is not mine- i-

3rd POV*

2 months later a lot has changed. Izuku recovered in leaps and jumps, and is about to be released with his final check ups, a surprise for class 1A by the devoted doctors and UA teachers.

The class has improved their quirks, combat training, defense- everything. Aizawa had been working them hard, and the students working extra on their own individually.

Izuku POV*

Today was the day I got released. I was free from the "nomu trance" as they called it, and have been transferred to monitor/watch level. From habbit I'm now still a little on edge, but they are working with me to fix that.

I'm going to surprise Kacchan and his class today as well! The teachers are in on the surprise. I didn't get what the big deal was since I am kind of a mission stranger, but apparently they visited me all the time in groups, individually, on weekends, ect.

I was extremely grateful for their support and help, I owed them a lot.

"You ready kid?" Aizawa asked, motioning to his car.

Nodding my head I went into the back seat and he caught me up on what I missed. We arrived at the school and I dashed into the teachers lounge room as I was told. I was quick enough that nobody saw me. (I forgot was shadow manipulation one of his quirks? I'm just gonna assume it is lmao. I'ma just make it so that he can travel in shadows now just to be edgy and bc it sounds cooler :D don't mind me kinda breaking the plot)

"Izuku/Midoriya!" The teachers cheered, Midnight coming to give me a hug.

"Welcome back kid!" Mic said.

"Thanks everyone, glad to be back too, and sorry for barging in, Aizawa told me to do that." I said, getting a little fidgety. I wanted Kacchan so bad but I'd have to wait for after the surprise. I also missed Uraraka-san a lot, and the other classmates.

"Don't worry Midoriya, you'll see them soon." Aizawa said, coming up from behind me after finally catching up.

Smiling, I used my shadows quirk to make my way into class 1A. I hid underneath his desk and waited for him to walk in and give me the signal.

"Good morning class. Today I have a surprise for you all, so don't nag me for the rest of the day about your written tests, I'm working on grading them. Anyways, here he is."

At that, I flew up and infront of the desk, making my presence clear.

"IZUKU/MIDORIYA/MIDOBRO/DEKU!" They all stood from their seats and gave me a gianormous(don't mind my spelling neither my mom not grandma knew how to spell it correctly considering it's not a real word so just continue with ur lives/or the story) 

"Hey guys! I missed you all so much!" I teared up along with them.

"IZU." I heard Kacchan's voice say.

"Kacchan!" I say looking at him. He seems furious to the normal eye but I could tell how much he missed me.

So I did what any rational human being would do.

I jumped on him and gave him a hug!

Him hugging back, I finally felt complete again. Of course I'm not completely healed, but nobody would be after, gee I don't know, being tormented over half my life and then right when I get saved I'm put under a trance where I lose myself in my own brain.

But that's fine. It's funny. You can laugh. Besides, now I got a huge family of heroes, pro hero teachers as my parents, aunt's, uncle's, and classmates as my siblings, cousins, (and if I was writing ships, love life, but I'll spare yall on izuocha since ik this fandom for some reason hates that wholesome pair).

But yea all's good now, I got Kacchan, my friends, my teachers, and can finally call this place, my home. And yes that's right, I live at UA. UA technically never closes, since there's the students at the dorms, day hours there's classes, night hours the heroes have night shifts, so there's a constant wave of people coming in and out. I sleep in a spare dorm room and yea. (I'm being very creative with my words rn. gimmie a break it's exactly 10 am in 1 minute I'm TiReD)

"Hey nerd, cmere." Kacchan said and he handed me a bag. In it was a matching outfits to the one he was wearing. I felt honoured to be honest.


He told me it was already washed so I zoomed into my dorm room, put it on, and went back to his using my shadow quirk. "I love it!!" I said hugging him (girls hug each other all the time from what I see so these guys do it to it's not a ship it's just brO lovE. SibLinG lOvE).

"Heh, your welcome. Ight anyways, let's head out, I'm sure the rest of the class wants to spend quality time with you as well."

Nodding, we left his room to meet up with the others.

873 words

Help Me. Idk where this story is going, and I'm just tryna end it ;-;

Have a nice day if you read all the way to here!

Don't forget to drink, eat, stay healthy, and stay safe, be happy cause being sad is boring after a while, and yee!

923 wordsss

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