
446 9 25

hello! I'm running outta cookies at home... but that's fine!



wh-what is thIS?! What the actual fawk 😃

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wh-what is thIS?! What the actual fawk 😃

(excuse my horrible language)

But HOLY GUACAMOLE 5k reads outta nowhere! Where r u humans coming from??

Anyways I just wana say thanks for reading my crappy story and leaving cute comments! It really makes me smile! Tho I don't read fanfics like the stories I write, I'm glad some of you enjoy it and are patient enough to wait for updates!

I know in reality 5k is the amount of reads, so the amount of ppl would be 5k divided by 17 (well now 18 parts) and then all the ppl that (probably don't) reread or ce back to view the lat chapter or comment.

Anyways, besides that, I'm just really happy! And 165 votes?!

Y'all r amazing

I luv u ppl

Have an amazing day! Or night! Or morning!

Y'know what I'ma just say- Have an amazing rest of your life!

...that sounds weird- ignore me-

peace! 😘✌️✨

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