Chapter Six

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Bakugou POV still*

"STOP!!" Izuku screamed. We scrambled upstairs to see him kicking around under the covers, wings, tail and horns glowing red in uneven circles, as if someone sprayed the insides of a glow stick at him.

"Izuku!Hey-" Mom started, catching a pillow that was thrown at her. Izuku's eyes glowing red then turning green as reflecting tears fell down his face. He stared at her, him almost confused at the sight.

"Auntie?... I'm so sorry!-" She hugged him and managed to get him to calm down.

"Don't worry honey, you're okay." She said and the glowing was a mixture of pinks yellows and blues.

"What was that all about?" I ask sitting on the bed with them as me and Mom comforted him.

"N-nightmare... I get them often but t-thankfully nobody in the league hears them, since they are at night and they keep me in a soundproof room. I did my best not to sleep cause of it but I was always so exhausted after every day." he sniffled, getting back to normal.

At the same time the marks glowed green.

After Mom and Izuku finished exchanging a few questions and comforting words, I decided to change the subject.

"So you glow now?" I ask.

"A-ah. Well,'s only at night or in the dark. I haven't gotten the best control of when it happens or not since this ability is quite new. But I think it changes to how I feel so they can monitor me without a device. They usually want me at red..." he said, looking at himself glowing.

"Is it a helpful night light in combat aswell?"

"Hah... I guess so. But it's a bit weird. When they did tests, it glowed white, when I'm angry or fighting it's red, and yet when I'm feeling normal, it's green. It changes the most colors when I'm upset. I haven't ever seen pink or yellow before though..." he responded.

"Hm... could mean happy, since y'know we came here." Mom suggested.

"Maybe..." He said and we stayed with him until he fell back asleep, aka when the glowing stopped.

"Well then, I want him." She said.


"You want a brother Katsuki?" She asked, and I finally caught on.

"Ah... you're gonna adopt Izuku, aren't you. Well of course, I've always seen him as one anyways, even though I called Inko Auntie... but that was... a long time ago." I said, unintentionally remembering the funeral.

"Okay, then it's settled. I'll figure out the paperwork stuff out as soon as I can! Now go to bed brat." She said, reverting back to typical Mom mode. (in this story I'ma spare Katsuki the ptsd and the smacking and all that stuff lol)

*time skip to morning*

Izuku POV*

I woke up in bed.

It was peaceful. Oh yeah... I'm safe. Safe is a word I don't get to use often.

Stretching, I looked around and changed into a blue shirt and black shorts. Once I looked somewhat presentable, besides the scars that couldn't be helped, I went downstairs.

"H-hello?" I called. It was pretty early in the morning, but I made sure to get ready in time in case I had to go anywhere.

"Ah- Good morning Izuku!" Auntie said, coming over to me with a hug. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Sore as always but, way way better! I'm so glad..." I said hugging back and she let go.

"Alright, I made breakfast for you, french toast, and when you're done would you like to go to school with Katsuki?" she said and I nearly exploded with joy.

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