Chapter Two

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Bakugou POV* (5 years old)

Looking behind me after running away I noticed Deku hadn't run yet. What was he doing?! Once he started running he was grabbed by his hoodie. He managed to squirm out but the guys friend grabbed him.

'Come on Deku, don't let them take you...'

"Well that's one way to get rid of him." My friend said. Enraged I slapped him.

"Excuse me?! We could have stopped them from getting him! Look at him! He's-" I saw them pull out a cloth and Deku fell limp in the girl's arm. 'Nononono, Auntie, Mama, They are gonna be so sad and mad at me. I can't believe I let this happen!'

"Arg! No!" I screamed but my friends covered my mouth and dragged me away from the scene.

"We gotta get outta here before they see us!" He said and I stopped resisting. Running off to my home, ex friends letting me go, I cried into my dad's lap when I explained what happened.

They were very understanding and said it wasn't my fault. But all I had to do was grab his hand and it'd all be okay...

Where are you Izuku...

Izuku POV* (present time)

I'm tired. My muscles hurt.

It had been ten years since I had been caught. I wonder if Kacchan was a hero yet. I wonder if he will save me.

Hope dissapointed me for ten years though. The only thing I hoped for now was less gruesome punishments.

As soon as they captured me all those years ago they trained me. By the time I was ten I could do ten pullups, take down an adult sized minor threat, and fly. That's right. I have a quirk now. But I can't use it when I want. (quirk visual in image on last chapter)

They considered me their best controlled vessel. I was practically a nomu with my own, yet almost emotionless mind. A robot. They could tell me what to do and I had no choice but to follow the command, even if it hurt me or others. I hated it but I gave up crying about it a while ago. When I cried the league saw it as a sign to 'fix' me. I had to be flawless for them before they 'released' me into battle.

I wanted nothing more then to not be a weapon. I wanted to be free. I wanted to play with Kacchan. I wanted to cheer him on, not have the alarming power or possibly to kill him. I didn't want to be a demon.

Now, 15 years old, I'm nearly stronger then most of the league members combined. Locked up in my 'room' I looked up to the ceiling. It was close to feeding time. I got a bowl of oatmeal with drugs in it everyday. It was certainly better then nothing, but if I had to be picky, I'd get it without the drugs. The drugs made me less able to have a mind of my own... vulnerable, which made the usage of the chip less painful.

The chip in my neck was connected to a controller. If the button is pressed, whatever they say, I must do. If the switch on the controller was flipped, I'd get tazed. The taze was an awful feeling because it was felt all over. It was like getting electrocuted and frozen in place because I wouldn't be able to move.

Luckily they don't do that often, unless it's to test  a device or I accidentally say something other then what I'm told.

The feeling of being stuck was awful, but at least I could still feel fear, revolt, and could think freely.

I continued to wait for my meal but it never came. Then out of nowhere, in a rush I was summoned to go to master's side? The door unlocked and I ran with supernatural speed down the twisting halls that all looked the same.

Jumping up and out of the building doors, I flew into the sky, but not to high that I neared my border limits. His location was fuzzy so I had to look for a hostile target near him and take down as many... heroes... as I could until he was with in my sights.

Bakugou POV* (present time)

Me, Kirishima, Momo, Iida, and Uraraka (and yes he calls them names still but is a little kinder with his word choices.) were training when pro heroes fled into our area. They needed all the recruits the could get for a mission that weren't busy. As out teachers left, Aizawa stopped and told us to come along. Since we were already in our hero costumes we ran close behind him.

"What's going on that you need our help?" Uraraka asked startled.

"The number one villan and his top villan prodigies, along with the league were spotted and located a town down from us. We realized that minor villans pretty far out from here were merely distracting as many heroes as they could while they came out and began an attack against the entire town." Aizawa started and we hopped onto the hero bus.

"The reason I'm bringing you guys is because the heroes are surrounding the scene, while the police is busy taking care of previously planted bombs all over the place that can easily take out many blocks. Oh, and this is also a rescue mission. Many nomu-in-the-making need to be saved." Aizawa casually mentioned and we ran out of the bus to the scene.

It was a lot to process but we knew what we had to do.

Running out, Aizawa joined the other pros to gather details gathered from surrounding the building. He later went further in to join the fight against All for One.

"Where's the rescue team?" Momo asked.

"I don't think one has formed yet, after all, this just happened and Sensei grabbed us for a reason, to fill the holes they missed." Iida stated.

Looking around I saw a back entrance that flew open, a green and black creature rushing out and towards the fight.

"Oi, there, an entrance!" I yelled and we rushed in.

Kirishima and Uraraka found the room and called us over. We released the people that were still partly human and were coming up with ideas on what to do with the rest, that were to far gone to transfer safely.

I turned around and saw a heavily bolted door that was cracked open. Looking inside I covered my nose to the stench of blood.

Chains were littered all over the ground and it was freezing. 'Could this be where that creature lived?'

"Woah, check out the file to this door man." Kirishima said behind me and we looked through it.

There were many numbers and stats written and images of improvement. But the image...

"Wait, show me the image of the kid this used to be." I said and I snatched it from his hand. No. Flipping. Way.

"Deku...?!" I nearly shrieked.

Running out of the building and to the fight scene, I saw the demon. No... it made sense now. I saw...

"Dekuuu!" I called.

1201 words

Demon/nomu Deku (HIATUS/DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now