Chapter Five

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Aizawa POV*

I walked into the hospital to check on Bakugou and his trouble friend. I found out they were the same age, despite the kid looking like he's twelve with the build of a young adult. He'd been through a lot, trained by the number one villan who's now behind bars, and tormented by the league.

At least Bakugou knew him and could save him. The kid was aggresive in class sure, but around the demon child he was soft.

Looking into the room with the other nurse's I saw the scared kid laying on Bakugou while they held hands, as a doctor went back in and finished an exam. As soon as it was over the kid got up and they sat next to each other.

Walking in the kid tensed up and held onto Bakugou's arm. I held up my arms to show I was okay.

"He's my hero teacher, don't worry." Bakugou reassured and the kid crawled on the bed over to me.

"Hey there. What's your name?" I said as he stared at me with curiosity.

"M-Midoriya." he said and he poked my scarf.

"You helped save me, didn't you?" He said. Surprised he recognized it.

I nod.

He jumped up and hugged me.

"ThankyouThankyouThankyou!" He squeaked before sitting back down.

"So how do you know each other?" I asked.

"We are childhood friends. I could never forget him." Bakugou said patting Midoriya's head.

"Alright. Well we took a look into his records and he has no family alive that lives in the area. His father is overseas in America but after looking into that, we found that it wasn't true. So for now you're all he's got." I said and Midoriya layer down, looking at the ceiling.

"I know Mama's gone. But m-master said I was his beloved child a few times. Even though he wasn't loving at all..."

'No way this kid just said what I think he said.'

"Do you mean All for One?" I ask and he nods. 'Well shiz.'

*time skip to out of the hospital bc I'm lazy*

Bakugou POV*

Walking out of the hospital since Izuku seemed to heal fairly quickly, Aizawa sensei offered a ride home because I left my phone in the dorms, in a rush to be with him.

Izuku, for someone who's been denied affection for so many years and punished for speaking or doing the wrong thing, he sure was clingy. As soon as he was saved he hasn't let anyone but pro heroes and me around him. And when he hears that someone is a hero he trusts them with his life. 'He must be desperate...' I thought.

Arriving at my house, I thanked my teacher and knocked on my door. I hadn't yet told my parents about him but I'm sure they'll be thrilled.

"Welcome home honey! Don't you have school though?" Mom asked.

"I think my surprise is worth skipping. Besides, my teacher drove us here." I said.


I moved to the side to reveal Izuku and she nearly cried.

"I-is that-" I nod and Izuku jumps up on her as Mom hugs back.

"Izuku honey, I'm so glad you're alright!!" She cried and we went to sit in the living room. Setting Izuku down, she left to the kitchen.

"You must be hungry, so I'll make some dinner." She said and Izuku smiled and nodded.

I watched as Izuku looked around happily, probably remembering the layout, even though the furniture has been rearranged a few times.

He acted like a little kid, but the more I thought about it, he's only been physically trained and taught to fear villans, protect them at the same time, and attack heroes.

The fact he was able to adapt so quickly just shows how much he trusts us. And we can't let him down.

"Hey Izuku." I said.


"Did they teach you any like school work like math, English, and all that?" I asked. He thought for a moment.

"Well... I'm not very good at everything but they didn't really want me to be like other kids I guess. They kinda treated me like a dog, you know? Only teach me what's necessary. They gave me middle school grade level book to study for the first few years I was there. I didn't get it for a while but I finally figured it out.

I only had the times I wasn't working out to study so I did my best to catch up with school. Later on when I was around 12 they gave me a high school book and I studied that." he said, trying to remember.

"Did you do all subject? Or only the important ones."

"The important ones, like language related, basic math and problem solving skills. Occasionally I'd take a look at science but that really hurt my brain." He said and I laughed.

"Yeah... science sucks. But you got a head started on highschool. Most start at 13 or 14." I remarked.

"But I'm sure you're smarter then me, because I never got tests on schoolwork, I don't understand a lot of the concepts and I skipped some subjects." He said.

"Nah you're fine. The other subject are just for random common knowledge. Nothing to important I don't think."

"Dinner's ready!" Mom called and we sat at the table.

"Pasta?!" Izuku squealed, poking at the melted cheese on top.

"Yup! I don't have katsudon on me right now but I'll be sure to buy some."

His eyes glowed as he took a bite but stopped.

"Are there drugs in this?" he asked somewhat seriously.

"N-no honey why would I do that?" she asked and he shrugged, eating it.

"I-I-It's so gOOD!" he cried. "I haven't had this much real food in years!" he said shoveling it in.

"Well don't forget to breathe haha you're like a vacuum." I said. A few minutes later he finished the bowl of food and looked stuffed. It wasn't even a lot in the bowl.

"Thank you so much Auntie..." he smiled.

"Anytime! Would you like some more? I made plenty."

"I'm stuffed so no thank you!" he said.

"Awh that's a shame. I don't know the details of everything that's happened while you were gone but I'll ask Katsuki when you go to bed." she said and he hopped off the chair and to the spare room.

A few moments later, Mom came back.

"Alright I gave him some of your small clothes that don't fit, showed him where the bathroom was incase he forgot, and he's in bed." she stated.

"Now explain... how did Inko's baby get treated...and turned into that... thing?"

"He's not a thing... but they said he was part nomu. He was taken by the league all those years ago and trained to be their best living weapon." I explained. I told her everything, from the abilities he got and how he got them, to the way he was treated by his father and who his father was.

"Wait- so Inko's husband was All for One? How though..."

"Not entirely sure, but doctors assume one of his many quirks allowed him to alter her memories, making them believe she had a husband overseas."

"That's horrible and all, but what about Izuku? How is he even holding up after everything?"

"That's what I'm worried about. When we were leaving the hospital a doctor pulled me aside and reccomended therapy for him, since he suffers many mental traumas." I said. Although he didn't show any signs of being mentally affected, he had to be some sort of a mess in the head after years of torment.

"Well I can set him up wi-" a scream from upstairs cut Mom off.


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