Chapter 15

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(not gonna lie idk what I'm writing cause I'm not rereading the entire story as I go so uwu)

Aizawa POV*

Last night after the kids came back to the dorms there was word that progress on Midoriya had been made. They were able to get a somewhat human response from him after searching for any flaws in the (brain wash thingy? anyways, lmao.) They noticed that he reacted to familiar foods, particularly katsudon. We were told that was his favorite food as a child, so it must've sparked memories from his now subconscious mind. (just roll with it I'm not a psychologist .-.)

I was shown a tape of the little progress, of him eating the katsudon in the corner of the room. It didn't seem like much now, but this actually is his first part to recovery.

The next day after school hours ended I called Bakugou into the teachers lounge and updated him, explaining and showing the progress.

"The more we surround him with triggers like this the easier it will be to deal with him. Right now his free mind is being sheilded forcefully. It's almost like a hole in fabric. Don't tend to it nothing will change, but shove the right sized information through it and it gets larger and larger."

Bakugou POV*

"So we can't cure him with medicine?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Only medication we are using on him now are ones to keep him calmer and tired, so he doesn't injur anybody as critically."

"So he's loopy 24/7," I pointed out, and he nodded.

"We are making a lot of progress though, the other full nomus we tried this method on had already been completely controlled and their memories wiped, seen as insignificant to the villan." he explained and I left with a thank you.

Smiling slightly, I walked into the dorms and went to the couch. My friends were sitting there and I decided to show my appreciation without words. So before they could move aside and make room for me, I layed on their laps, my head on Mina's legs and feet on Denki.

Kirishima POV*

To say we were all shocked would be an understatement. First Bakugou walked in with one of his rare smiles that only people who knew him would notice, and then he LAYED on us! He sat between me and Mina and layed his legs and feet on me and Denki. He turned into Mina (No they aren't in a relationship, just close friends. And they all know Bakugou isn't a perv so they ain't worried about him facing Mina in that position. I only did it this way so they don't see his phone for reasons explained later uwu) and played Among us on his phone.

After 5 minutes of slightly adjusting we got comfortable and decided to join Bakugou's game.

"Hey Bakubro, give us a code?" I asked and he created a room for us to play. (if u don't know among us or how to play, u have my apologies)

Halfway through the game Denki killed me and self reported when Mina came in the room.

"I was in Medbay" Bakugou said

"Well I'm the dead one so I ain't nowhere" I complained as Mina patter my back.

"I walked in on Denki when he reported, so it's either self report or Sero." she said, looking at Sero on the arm of the couch.

"It's not me! I was doing electrical!" He panicked.

"Sero kinda sus" Todoroki said from behind us, making us all flinch.

"Guys it's not-"

Sero was not an Imposter

ten minutes later*

"Man I'm beat, what time is it?" I asked.

"7:30 already?!" Denki said shocked. (even if that time makes zero sense after what they all did meh just roll with it it's fanfic logic for plot :>)

"Guysss!" whisper-squealed Mina as we look down at Bakugou, head in her lap and hand.


"Sero?" I asked looking at him taking pictures.

"What? Midoriya would want them." He said. Even though we new it wasn't true and they have probably slept together as little kids, we wanted them for ourselves. He looked so... peaceful.

Mina POV*

BaKuGoU. Was asleep. In my LAP. This day couldn't get any better. Well, it could be, but that's not the point. I put my hand on his head. His hair was surprisingly super soft. It took everything in me not to crush him in a hug.

"He slept earlier then usual." Denki pointed out.

"Are we really surprised at this point? During his workout this afternoon I'm shocked he didn't pass out. It's almost as if he does it more intense every time." Sero said and we nodded.

"I guess Midoriya is a good motivator. And us too >:3" I said. "Should we take him to bed or wait for him to wake up?"

"We could do it!" said Uraraka and Tsu in unison. (my failure to spell autocorrected that to unicorn 🦄)

It took us till now to realize almost the whole class has gathered around the couch, careful not to wake him up because they knew he'd only let us see him like this, even if he fell asleep on accident.

"Oh, uh sure! I gotta eat dinner anyways. I heard Iida and Momo mad fried rice!" Kirishima said.

":O my favoritee" Denki said. (me too Denki, me too😔😌)

Uraraka made Bakugou float and Tsu helped pull him to his room.

Deku POV*

where am I....

why is it so quiet, and dark...

I'm scared.

I'm lonely... I want Kacchan... :,(

I have a headache, the room is bright and padded, but somehow I can't see anything at the same time. My body is relaxed but my impulses are making me attack whatever is right infront of me.

I don't want to hurt bad people, but I feel so lost. I can't tell what's good or not anymore.

I don't have my sense of judgement.

What is happening...

This feeling is scary, it's frustrating. I can hear voices, but I can't connect dots to faces. I can't see faces though either. Just ideas. Gosh this was frustrating.

I'm so confused...

I smell... home.

What is home? I'm not to quite sure of that yet. But I like it. It is familiar... but so foreign, like everything else. It's food, I scarf it down somehow.

I liked this a lot. Home. Home is where you live with your family? Family... that- is familiar. I want to know that. My body is moving on it's own but I can't feel pain, it's numb. Is this my subconscious? I think I will stay here until I get more food.

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