Chapter 10

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(image above drawn by meee uwu. It was supposed to be villan deku but call it what u want lol I was just bored, my insta is listed in the image but since my handwriting sUcks it's @ calimarii_ )


3rd POV*

The students worked together to get Izuku to calm down, while Aizawa gathered up heroes and the big three from the school and had them stand by in case.

They decided to keep him outside to prevent possible damage to the building, which could lead to access to confidential information.

Everything seemed to go well in that moment. Everyone was calm and ready incase intruders came. Izuku was protected and hidden. The staff and school was secure.

Then in a matter of seconds, they were ambushed from all sides.

Portals began opening and closing all over the place, letting out one or two villans at a time.

Izuku switching his vision was able to tell that the elite villans hadn't arrived yet, so this would probably be the first wave of villans to take out the weaker students and weaken some of the pros.

"Kacchan, the league isn't here yet! This is just either to stall, distract, weaken, or all three!" Izuku explained to Bakugou as he nodded and relayed the information to students who then passed on the message.

By the time everyone had found out there was more and worse to come, some were already out of breath or injured.

Backup had been called in by a pro for the police to arrive while they tied up the taken down villans and guarded them in the field.

"Great job guys. But if what Midoriya was saying is true, there is worse to come, so keep your gaurd up. The police will be here shortly so any injuries you may have gotten, and all these villans we took out will be dealt with." Said one of the pro heroes, everyone assuming it to be Aizawa from the dull voice and since he knew the kid's name.

Then the portals came again.

Bakugou POV*


The portals came in one after the other, closer then the last round. Izu stopped glowing and came out of hiding. His vision slipping back to normal, he seemed scared.

"Well? What is it?" I ask.

"The elite villans are all infront of us, not a single one is near the others-!" cut off in panic, a blonde girl lunged at us with a knife. I blasted her to the side, her gracefully dodging a person falling over besides her.

"Izu-chann~! I've missed you! We've come to take you back for good!" she chirped and we looked to see the other villans coming at us.

"N-no! You can't control m-me anymore!" Izu said, growling shortly after. I felt him grab under my arms and fly up.

The heat of blue flames reached my feet, causing me to sweat more.

"Heh, thanks for the lift Izu, and THANKS FOR THE BOOST!" I scream, blasting the scar faced guy into the girl and to the ground. Those were the two kids that took him away from me. It was time for revenge!-

"Kacchan, don't focus on them, there's more elite villans coming this way!' he said focused. I quickly glanced behind us to see how the others were doing. The heroes and students were holding up a pretty good fight. We definitely had the upper hand, but everyone was occupied. Nobody could help out me and Izuku in this battle without endangering the rest.

Izuku POV*

Kacchan looked back at the situation and I focused forward. I had had enough. No more people would get hurt because of me.

"You will leave my friends ALONE." I yelled and used the power they gave me against them.

Using superspeed, I dashed from villan to villan and kicked each of them in the face. Flying, up, I looked down and signaled for Kacchan to move.

The villans looking back up tried to run but I landed a punch into the ground below me, causing it to crack and trample them. And before I lost my momentum, from the blast I activated the quirk I was not allowed and afraid to use.

Shadow manipulation.


I'm sorry if this is getting a little cheesey, I have so many story ideas but not enough motivation to make them amazing. I would have had the villans somehow capture him and have this whole deal where he is a full nomu and ends up causing a huge fight, and only his brother (Kacchan) could save him, but eh. A lotta work.

So I decided to introduce a new quirk, and forgive the lame name. It will be explained later but before I forget what it is, it's basically dark matter. Shadows, no matter what u do, can't actually be taken. take an alley for example. the walls will always cast some sort of shadow as long as there is some sort of light. So basically he has dark magic powers and can make them do whatever.

Best part about the quirk, you can't counter it unless it is erased. and since it's a shadow, he can manipulate it to go through people to get to who he wants.

ok sorry bout my lazyness baii

886 wordss

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