Chapter 13

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Bakugou POV*

Oh no...


Out of nowhere he spun around and slashed me with his tail.

"Snap out of it!!" I scream.

"Quit your yapping, it'd take a lot of work even from me to get him out of his little trance. I'd say it's nice knowin' ya but master said you're just a pest in the way of his plans, so now you will be a casualty. Midoriya, eliminate him." ordered the scientist.

Dangit. Izuku could kill all might easily, now at max power, without holding back, he's a beast, a bigger threat then All for one himself!

Realizing I probably won't get out of this situation alive on my own, I blast myself out of the building to U.A. and scream for help and Izu speed flies after me.

"Bakubro- Midoriya?! What's going on?! How'd you escape and why-"

"No time for questions but Izuku is going to kill me and is under a trance we can't break. He's stronger then All for one right now." I huffed out in one breath.

"O-Okay I'll call the teachers! You should go to ground beta and try and lose his trail with the buildings" he said.

I stopped to realize he had stopped chasing me. I saw his shadow from the top of the building. He was watching me like a hawk. Maybe he was told to stay out of sight... what's he gonna do now...

Running to ground beta, a few pros slowly catching up after Kirishima assumingly broke the news.

"Kamui woods?" I asked as he followed me through the random alleys. "And Midnight?" We slowed down and caught our breath in a random building.

"This kid will be impossible to fight in this state, so we will try and knock him out with Midnight's quirk." after he explained the plan.

Knowing Izuku probably knew where we were right now because of his abilities, he must've been waiting for us to make the first move.

We lured him with me. I stood out in the middle of the street and watched him perched on top of a building. His whole demeanor was face whitening. Frightening. But I knew my best friend was in there somewhere.

Sending an explosion his way to get him to attack, he dove in quickly for me.

Kamui woods then came from the left and used his quirk to restrain him. Of course he broke out but before he could I blasted to behind him. Gotcha.

Underestimating his reflexes, he used his claws and attached my side. Wincing, I still held my position, but he squirmed out and flew up.

He whipped his head behind him so quick I thought his neck would snap. Midnight had lunged at him.

By now Izuku was flighting with Midnight who waa clinging onto him like a monkey. He was struggling to fly and got tossed down by Kamui.

I jumped back in and all three of us were pinning him down with our full force as Midnight activated her quirk.

Once we felt him go limp, they let go. But I didn't.

"He's nomu now kid, he can't be faking."

"I know..." I said, not noticing the tears falling from my face into his wings. I sat up and held him close.

"I'm s-so s-sorry Izuku..." I sobbed into his limp body.

3rd POV*

The two pro heroes watched as the poor kid sobbed into his friends passed out body. More pros arrived at the scene, including his friends who were shocked to see their classmate reacting like this.

They took Izuku away into a heavily gaurded room. Since he doesn't have as many quirks as All for one, quirk restraining cuffs would be enough to take away his abilities.

Once he woke up he started kicking at the walls like an angry animal, and before he could hurt himself, they knocked him out again and moved him to a more padded, security filled room.

Time passed, and Izuku has yet to show any change. His one, possibly two goals were still not achieved and he showed no improvement in behavior.

While they looked for cures/solutions to him, he would get visitors regularly. Katsuki was always there for him even if Izuku at the moment didn't realize. He couldn't let him down anymore.

Bakugou POV*

I'll protect you Izu, even when you try to kill me. You're the brother I never had. You mean too much to me...

741 words!


I can't believe ppl are reading this

Ur comments make me happyyyy that's why I'm gonna respond to every👏single👏one👏✨.

Idk who y'all r but I hope u had or have a great day! I'm gonna go sleep now-

but yea if the story is becoming wack don't mind me Ill just cry in a corner to myself about how bad it is (jk I'm not feeling emotional rnn)

so yes baii

820 words

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