Chapter Eight- special

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Izuku POV* (sorry this is kinda rushed)

It had been a few days since I'd been adopted by auntie and brother Kacchan has been amazing. His friends really helped me out and started showing me about the internet. I still have nightmares but Kacchan lets me stay in his dorm room at night.

I was very interested about news channels though. I watched them when I was a kid with Mama and All Might was always stopping all sorts of villans. But the news now was kinda scary... and it made my new friends mad.

I was confused as to why it was happening, since nobody told me the details, so I decided to ask about it.


"Yes Midoriya? kero."

"Why is America so crazy right now?" I asked, showing her a pic if a building on fire.

"Why is America so crazy right now?" I asked, showing her a pic if a building on fire

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"Oh, well America in general is a crazy country. But their fire power and military is one of, if not the strongest in the world. And right now there's a bunch of issues with their police force, killing people because of their color, and not getting stopped because of white privelage." (in this universe people who are literally colorful like mina are also caught up in the mess)

"What?! But... that's so many people? And is it not normal to look different? You can't help how you're born!" I complained. What a mess...

"Yeah. Their president also doesn't seem to care about the situation, basically encouraging the chaos. He is so racist and discriminative, kero."

"Why are they all wearing masks though?"

"Ah, right you don't know about that-"

"There's a global pandemic right now, Japan is under control but in America the cases keep spiking since they are a "free country" and people don't wear masks." Kirishima butted into the convo.

"It's not just that, the protests aren't very social distancing oriented since it's all about coming together as one force against the police. But that part can't be helped." Uraraka added.

My brain was spinning from all the news updates but was still upset to what the world has come to. There's heroes, there's villans, but the the police?

"They are just acting off of emotions, the police. Horrible people. I have some online friends in America and they are scared to go outside, but attend protests despite that. And no mater how peacfull they are, they throw tear gas and pepper spray the crowd." Kirishima said.

I was astonished and angry.

"I-Is there anything they are doing to help? Or that we could do?" I asked and Kacchan sat next to me.

"Just spread awareness I guess, but it seems protestors got it handled, and a few people in high positions are fighting for their rights over there. Don't worry about it too much though because I know that they won't back down until there is change." he said.

"Oh.. okay! Then I'll support them from here!" I said

this is just a mini blm chapter i started making and I realized like oh, this show is in like 21XX smthn or other lmao.

But yeah black lives matter, it isn't a trend so don't stop fighting, and this chapter is more my way to spread awareness, so the next chapter none if this is happening. Sorry if it's lazy, I finished it this morning and I'm tired cuz idk if I slept lol

ok I'll stop wasting ur time

575 wordss

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