Smile:A Roc Royal Love Story

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brea-*i woke up to my  alarm.time to make breakfast.its 5am and i have to make it before my dad wakes up or there will be consequences.i started making eggs and the time i was done he was walking downstairs dressed and ready for work.i set the table and sat the food in front of him when he sat down.he ate in silence and i just washed the dishes.i turned around and he slapped me so hard that i knocked all the dishes on the floor and fell.*
dad-dont ignore me.
brea-i wasnt ignoring you i promise.*i was trying not to cry or it would be worse.*
dad-did i say you could speak.*i closed my mouth and looked down.*do that again and watch what happens to you.*he walked out of the kitchen and off to work.i got up and picked up all of the dishes.then i checked the time and it was 6am.i ran upstairs to get ready for school.i put on a light blue tank top with black jeans and black converses with a black cardigan.when i was done i grabbed my bookbag and looked in the mirror.he didnt leave a big bruise  so i just covered it a little with make up and walked to school.i walked straight to danielle.*
danielle-he hit you didnt he?*i nodded my head.she can read me like a book.*i dont know why you wont just live with me.
brea-because i can handle myself.
danielle-whatever.*the bell rung so we went to class.when i got home i started making dinner then i started my homework.i got a text from danielle saying that she wants to go to this street fight tonight.she knows all the latest street fights so she keeps me posted.i dont know if i should go because my dad wont be home til 8 and he'll freak if he finds out i'm gone.i called him to ask him.*
brea-hey dad can i go over danielle's house for a few hours?i'll be back by 10.
dad-give me one good reason why i should let you.
brea-dinner is made and you know her.she's my only friend. back by 10 on the dot.not'll know what will happen if you come late.
brea-yes sir.*he hung up the phone and i put on blue shorts,red tank top,a blue and red beanie and white and red addidas.i walked to danielles house.she had on black tights,black long shirt that buttons up and some black doc martins.she drove us to the fight.she's16 so she has a car.when we got there we saw a lot of people in a circle.she moved through the circle and to the front of the circle.i forgot to mention she sometimes would fight too but tonight was the boys night so she couldnt.*
promoter-in the ring we have 3 winning champion alberto!*the crowd went wild.he is a really great fighter.he's 6 feet,muscular,brown curly hair,nice smile and really one's defeated him yet and he likes danielle but he's not her type.which i dont get at all but whatever.*and his opponent.he's new to the city.his name is roc royal!*the crowd booed him except for 3 guys,me and danielle.i looked at him and i gotta admit he was sexy as hell.i hope alberto dont kill him.they moved to each other and shook hands.*fight!*alberto threw the first punch but missed?wow thats a first.roc threw a punch and hit him in his stomcah then he hit him in the chest and happened so fast that alberto didnt know what hit him.roc kept throwing punches til alberto was down.they counted down and roc and danielle cheered really loud.he turned around and looked at us.our eyes met and i looked down.*
brea-danny lets go.
danielle-so soon.i want to meet roc royal.
brea-come on.its 9.i have to be home in an hour on the dot.
danielle-yea yea.*she looked up and smiled.i turned around and saw roc and the 3 guys he was with.*hey roc.nice match.
roc royal-thank you.*he looked at danielle and smiled.then he looked back at me and looked me up and down.i just looked at his face.he is really sexy.*what's your name?
roc royal-nice to meet you brea.these are my friends prodigy,ray ray and princeton.
brea-thats danielle.look it was really nice meeting you 4 but i have to go.*i turned around and he grabbed my hand.i felt a sort of spark and my heart started beating fast.i moved my hand from his and looked in his eyes.*
roc royal-why not stay and hang with us?
brea-i have to be home at 10.
princeton-come on brea we wont hurt you.we'll take blame if we have to.
brea-its ok i really need to get home or i'm going to be in trouble.great fight btw.*we walked to her car and they didnt come after us.she drove me home and i made it 10 on the dot.*
dad-who drove you here?
dad-she has a car?
dad-go to bed.
brea-yes sir.*i went upstairs and put on blue shorts and a white tank top for bed.i went to sleep an hour later dreaming about roc royal.he's so freaking sexy.*

thats brea>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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