i need help

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brea-*i woke up and decided that i want to hang with roc.i walked to the living room and saw danielle watching tv and drinking coffee.she loves that stuff but i hate it.*hey how was your date?
danielle-fun.we went out to dinner and just had a great time getting to know each other.
brea-aw.you both are going to be great together.
danielle-dont get mushy on me.
brea-im not getting mushy just happy.*i smiled and she rolled her eyes.we heard knocking on the door.*i'll get it.*i opened the door and saw the boys.*hey guys.*i hugged them all and gave roc a peck on the lips.*
danielle-hey boys.what's up?
princeton-we were going to breakfast you coming?*he walked over to her and kissed her cheek.*what are you drinking?
danielle-coffee.*he took her cup and sipped it.me and the boys shook our heads.danielle looked a little upset.*
brea-anyway yea.let us get ready in 30?*i looked at her and she nodded her head.*

danielle-prince you lucky i like you.*we both got ready and went to breakfast with the boys.after breakfast we all spent the day at the park.the boys had to do something tonight so me and danielle decided to go to a club.*

brea-i cant believe i let you talk me into wearing this.*i have on a skin tight black dress and black heels.she has on a blue and black tight dress with black heels.*
danielle-o you'll live.*we got into the club and danced the night away.i was dancing by myself but danielle was in front of me.some guy came behind me and pulled me on him.*
brea-excuse you.*i turned around and he was so sexy it was ridiculous.*
*****-i'm sorry.i couldnt resist the way you were moving on the dance floor.your really sexy.*he moved his hand from my hip to my thigh and i kinda got turned on by that.*
brea-i have a boyfriend.
*****-he dont need to know.*he stared into my eyes and put his other hand on my face.he lightly touched my lips and pulled me close and our lips almost touched but i pulled way and walked out of the club.o god.i need to get out of here.i walked back in the club to find danielle.i saw her pressed against the wall by some guy.*
brea-move!*he looked at me.i grabbed danielle and pulled her out of the club.*
danielle-thank you because i was having a weak moment.
brea-i almost did too.i almost kissed him that's why we had to go.*she nodded her head.we hopped in her car and drove to the apartment.i changed into some shorts and a tank then i called roc.i needed to hear his voice right now.*
roc-hey.is something wrong?
brea-hey.no i just wanted to hear your voice.
roc-o ok.i cant really talk right now though.i'll just come to your apartment when i get back ok?
brea-i might be asleep.
roc royal-i'll wake you up just go in the living room.i have to go.
brea-ok.*i hung up the phone and laid on the couch.i cant believe i almost cheated on roc.what the hell is wrong with me?i laid on the couch and kept thinking about the guy.i started drifting to sleep when i hear a kncok on the door.i got up and answered it and it was roc.*hey baby.*i pulled him in for a hug and i kissed him.*
roc-hey is there something wrong?
brea-no i just wanted to be around you.
roc-ok?*i could tell he knew something was up but he probably was too tired to ask anymore questions.he grabbed my hand and we walked into my room.he laid on my bed and i cuddled next to him.he just held me.we didnt say anything at all which i was fine with.while he was holding me he fell asleep.i watched him sleep for a few minutes because he looked like so beautiful and peaceful.after a while i laid my head on his chest and fell asleep.i hope i never see that guy from the club again or my angel would turn into the devil.*

thats the boy from the club>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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