final chapter 5 years later

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brea-*i was getting ready to go to the market with brian.i put on black shorts with black flip flops and a red tank top.brian had on blue jeans,red tank top and his red bulls hat with red and blue sneakers.*brian are you ready?


brea-come on.*he grabbed my hand and we walked to the car.i helped him in and then i got in the drivers seat.i drove to the market and saw chris waiting for us.*hi chris.

chris-hi brea.hi brian.

brian-hi can i go see mrs. robinson?

brea-yes.chris can you walk him?

chris-sure thing.*chris walked with him to the deli.i walked around the store to get food for us.these past 5 years i have been raising brian.he has been asking about his dad and i told him that he had to go into war and he loves him.i havent seen roc since he gave me the bookbag.i havent dated anyone after roc.i really miss him and i think about him everyday.i was in the aisle where they sell peanut butter when i feel something touch my ass.i stood up and turned around to see this man.he was sexy as fuck and he stared at was making me a ittle nervous.*

brea-may i help you?*he smiled and grabbed my hand.i took my hand away from him.*who are you?

******-i dont know.who am i?

brea-an insane man.get away from me.*i was about to walk away when he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.*what?!

*****-you really forgot about me?its me.your boyfriend.

brea-i dont have a boyfriend.

******-im roc brea.*i was shocked.i looked him over.*

brea-prove it.*he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the sweetest kiss i ever had.this brought back sweet memories.*

*****-MOM!*i pulled away from the kiss and saw brian standing behind me.*who is he?*i looked at roc and smiled.*

brea-brian this is your father.

brian-i never met dad.

brea-he is your dad.*brian looked at him and smiled but then his smile quickly turned into a straight face.*

brian-are you sure?

roc royal-yes shes your birth dad.we can get dna.

brian-DADDY.*he ran over to roc and roc picked him up holding him.he pulled me to hug him and we stood there embracing each other.*why did you go to war dad?

roc royal-i wanted you to be proud of me son.

brian-i would be proud of you no matter what.

roc royal-i know.i love you.i loved you even before you were born.*he smiled and hugged roc tighter.roc kissed my forehead.*

brea-im going to let you both bond and im going to pay for this stuff.

roc royal-ill pay.

brea-baby you just came perfectly capable of paying.youre paying anyway because this is your money.*roc laughed and i went to pay for the grooceries.after that we went to the park and roc and brian were playing the whole time.i missed roc's glad he didnt change.brian ran over to me.*

brian-mommy im hungry.

brea-ok.roc are youhungry?

roc royal-yea.come on.ill treat you to pizza.

brian-yay i love pizza.

roc royal-good.ill drive you both.

brea-how about you take brian and ill meet yall at the restaraunt?

Smile:A Roc Royal Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now