you promised

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brea-*i awoke and smiled.its been a week and george hasnt been around so roc paid him.well thats what im guessing.i got up and took a shower.when i got out i put on a pair of green shorts and a white tee shirt.i walked downstairs and watched tv while eating breakfast.around 2 i got a call from danny.*hey baby girl.whats up?

danielle-its girls coming out.

brea-im pregnant i cant.

danielle-yes you can.i know you and roc fucked while you were pregnant so you can come dance with us.i pack you some juice so you wont have to drink.

brea-fine ill come.

danielle-good.pick you up at 8.

brea-cool.*i lounged around until 6 and then i started getting ready.thats my dress but black heels>>>>>i curled my hair and did my makeup.roc walked through the bedroom door and stared at me.*how do i look?

roc royal-where are you going?

brea-a party.

roc royal-you look careful pregnant woman.

brea-im always careful.*i walked over to him and kissed him.*

roc royal-hurry home ok?*i smiled and nodded my head.*

brea-youre always horny.

roc royal-only for you.

brea-ok.*i heard straight off the boat playing.*hey danny.

danielle-hey im outside.

brea-be out there now.*i kissed roc and started walking downstairs.*

roc royal-whats my ringtone?

brea-call my phone.*he pulled his phone out and called my phone.lazy love started playing.*

roc royal-that song is perfect.*i laughed and kissed him.*i love you

brea-i love you too.*i walked to danny's car and she drove off.she told me about the party.when we got to the party gina and jessica was already on the floor so we joined them and danced the whole night.around midnight i went to the bar and sat there.i drunk some soda danny brought for me.i turned around and saw this guy staring at me.i felt uneasy so i got up and went into the love was playing.i danced to it with everyone else.the person staring at me came on the dance floor and tried to grab me.i walked to a different part of the floor trying my hardest to avoid him.but when i turned around he grabbed my arm and i realized he was george's goon.oh no!DAMN IT ROC!he took me outsde and pushed me on the ground.i laid there and held my stomach.i have to protect this.cooperate brea for the sake of the baby.i looked up and saw george standing over me.he held his hand out to me.i grabbed it and he shook his head.*

george-why are you with a bad boy?your too beautiful to be with him.

brea-i love him.

george-wow.i guess that is powerful.*i nodded my head.*im sorry that he pushed you on the ground.i need you to call roc please.*i nodded my head and called roc.he answered on the first ring.*

roc royal-hey ok?*i looked at george.*

george-answer him.

brea-im ok.

roc royal-you dont soud that way.

brea-im fine i promise.

roc royal-brea whats wrong?*i almost cried.i looked at george.*

george-tell him your leaving him.*my heart was about to break.roc kept asking me was i there.i swallowed my fear and said it.*

brea-roc i cant do this.

roc royal-do what?tell me what the fuck is going on brea.please im begging you.

brea-i cant do and you i hate done with you.

roc royal-brea come home so we can talk about this please.*george shook his head no.*

brea-i cant do that.

roc royal-brea you love me i know you do.we need to talk about this before you make harsh decisions.

george-put your phone on speaker.*i nodded my head and i almost fell to the floor crying.i cant do this.i put my phone on speaker and roc was waiting for my response.*

brea-nothing can save us.*i heard my voice crack a little bit.he heard it too and he fell silent.*roc.

roc royal-yes.

brea-i cant do this anymore.

roc royal-what are you going to do about our child?

brea-ill......illl.....*i looked at george and he told me to keep going.i couldnt do it.i need something to say now.*ill take care of it on 8th and spruce street.(address of party)

roc royal-really?why not have me in the life?

brea-i dont need you.

roc royal-i need you.

brea-i know.ill keep in touch because of the baby but thats it.

roc royal-so this is it huh?

brea-......lets just say its over with 6(letters in george).i have to go.good bye roc royal.

roc royal-good bye brea.*i hung up the phone and i hope he got my hints.*

george-your good.come on lets go.

brea-wait.i need to pee.

george-go with her sebastian.*we both walked to the bathroom and i called roc back.*

roc royal-baby im on my sorry i got you into this.

brea-i know.please hurry up.i need to get home.

roc royal-i know.dont worry he wont hurt here.come to the front door somehow. you in 2 minutes.

roc royal-ok baby.*i looked around and saw a window.i crawled out of it with my heels in my hand.i crawled to the front of the house.i saw roc in front of his car.*

brea-BABY!*he looked up and saw me.he looked really like 5 feet away from the ground.he walked over to the door and held his arms out.i jumped down and landed in his arms.he carried me to the car.*thank you.*he got in the drivers side.*

roc royal-you cant say that yet.*he started driving and i heard gun shots.OH FUCK WHEN DOES THIS SHIT END!*

to be continued

Smile:A Roc Royal Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now